Monday, November 29, 2010

Free kibbles


Congressman calls for government to label WikiLeaks a terrorist organization and arrest Assange. You notice how the government constant invaded our privacy and reads all our paperwork, but it can't stand it when it's privacy is invaded and somebody else reads its paperwork. Government hates free speech.

Latest WikiLeaks document dump exposes the lies, excess and abuse of government.


Sweden's government is cutting taxes and raising interest rates, and as a result Sweden is enjoying 6.9 percent economy growth. This isn't rocket science. German spending cuts produce economic recovery. This isn't rocket science.


The US leads the world in auto deaths per capita despite, or maybe because of, the overwhelming regulations on cars. Yet Democrats are pushing for more regulations.


How QE2 could technically bankrupt the Fed. While this is technically meaningless since the Fed can always print more money, if it happened it might end the people's support for the system and collapse the dollar.


Fructose, you know that stuff the government subsidizes and its corporate minions push on us in pretty much every product on grocery store shelfs, linked to all kinds of bad diseases and early death.

Guess who supports government's "tough, new" food regulations that will drive small food producers out of business enabling giant food producers to produce even lower quality food at an even higher price? Giant food corporations. What a shocker.


Reportedly attendance at this year's IPCC global warming fraud conference is down 50 percent from last year's conference, you know the one where Obama showed up and got stoned because of climategate and a freak ice storm. Naturally the people who didn't show up were the more moderate ones, so this year's radicals are calling for WWII-style rationing to slow human development.


Smoking nutmeg through an apple to get high.


Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano orders a stop on packages sent from Japan.
"For TV entertainment, we normally watch video tapes of Japanese TV sent to us by my wife's relatives living in Japan. We were just notified today from the relative in Japan who sends the box with the tapes that he couldn't send the box to the USA, but the Japanese postal clerk didn't know why when asked for the reason.
We then took a look at Japanese postal web sites to try to find out what's going on and discovered that Janet Napolitano, loyal minion of the NWO takeover agenda and obedient lapdog to the Indonesian Usurper in the White House, had set up new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shipping restrictions on November 17, 2010 that blocks the shipping of any NON COMMERCIAL parcel into the United States that weighs more than 0.9 pounds (under 16 ounces) without first supplying the Social Security number (or taxpayer ID number) of the RECEPIENT of the package (and it's likely that the new DHS shipping restriction will soon also apply to detailed ID requirements on the part of the person sending the package as well)."
I'm impressed at the speed with which government is destroying America. George Bush moved at a snail's pace compared to Obama. These guys literally recognize no limits on their power. Their modus operandi is to do as much damage as they possibly can as fast as they possibly can before they get ousted. Needless to say, Republicans are helping them every step of the way.

The truth about airport security:
"Exactly two things have made airplane travel safer since 9/11: reinforcing the cockpit door, and convincing passengers they need to fight back. Everything else has been a waste of money."
The rest is just oppression.

Homeland security has started groping people boarding buses in Tampa, Florida. Note they're also looking for smuggling and illegal immigrants. Terrorism is just the excuse.

Supreme Court considers banning video game.

Great Menchen quote:
"The mob is competent to rule the rest of us — but it must be rigorously policed itself."
That's too funny. People can't be trusted with salt, Four Loco or marijuana, but we can be counted on to rule wisely through violence.

When the FBI entrapped that poor patsy in Portland, their recording equipment conveniently failed at the first meeting, so the evidence of entrapment is lost.

American actor put on terrorist watch list because he advocates stopping drilling for natural gas. He thinks it's funny now, but he won't when they arrest him and he finds out they were bugging his house and taking everything he said out of context in order to prosecute him as a terrorist.


One of the most sophisticated cyber warfare tools ever created targeted Iran's nuclear program. I wonder who might have done that.

For $35,000, this rifle better be revolutionary.


I just had a discussion with a couple of conservative military vets about foreign policy. The arguments that seemed to have the most effect were: 1) aristocrat policies are designed to enrich and empower the aristocrats and their cronies whether the policies are domestic or foreign and 2) just like our government has dug a hole that's crashing our economy with domestic policy, it's done the same thing with foreign policy, and it's time to stop digging. These guys already understood that domestic policy was corrupt, self-serving and counterproductive, so they were open to the idea that the foreign policy foisted on us by those same aristocrats was equally corrupt, self-serving and counterproductive.


Southern Democrats switching parties to Republicans. How much more obvious can it be there's no significant difference between the parties? How much more obvious can it be that aristocrats have no principles other than seizing our power and wealth for themselves? Aristocrats just replace the D or R on their chest whenever it suits them. Sure, Obama has given Democrats a bad name even faster than Bush gave Republicans a bad name, but they're both terrible.


Because cable TV, like network TV, is a government protected monopoly that provides a low quality product at an overly expensive price, people are moving away from cable to the internet. I watch more shows on the internet now than I watch on TV.


Gary North's translated Gettysburg address.

Being too clean can make people sick and give them allergies. I don't have that problem. I don't use that anti-bacterial crap.

I think it's a mistake for consoles not to upgrade. They're losing ground to computers. The only way this makes sense is if the console makers intend to take their surrounding value and apply it to computers in the future.

Nude beaches in states A-M. Nude beaches in states N-W. Nudist recreation in Ohio.

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