Saturday, November 13, 2010

Free kibbles


DATV put our health care debate TV show online. That's cool.


TSA screeners molest three year old little girl because that's their job. What's even more disgusting about this is the mother is holding the child so the agent can be molested, and the father is reporting the story, claiming he was there too, and he probably filmed it. What horrible parents.

The mainstream criticism of TSA grows. There's a lot of good info on the resistance in this article.
"Grassroots groups are urging travelers to either not fly or to protest by opting out of the full-body scanners and undergo time-consuming pat-downs instead.
Such concerns prompted a meeting Friday of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano with leaders of travel industry groups."
Targeting the travel industry is effective. Writing your congressman or Napolitano would have been worthless. As I predicted, TSA is developing a program to exclude the ruling class from the molestation:
"Napolitano told industry leaders that biometric identification, such as retinal scanning and thorough background checks will expedite the screening of 80,000 passengers who participate in "trusted traveler" programs, the department said."
But government won't free regular people to fly willingly. We'll have to force them to do it by not flying.

Man threatens to have TSA agent arrested if he "touches his junk". This guy must have balls the size of watermellons. It's one thing to refuse the nude-scanner and the pat down. It's another to antagonize them. I like this idea, anybody touching your junk should be arrested, but I imagine TSA agents take that as a challenge to their power.
"The female supervisor took my ID at this point and began taking some kind of report with which I cooperated."
Note that he perverts from the TSA can take your drivers license and get the address of you and your children to use to stalk you later. If they're blocking this guy from getting on the plane, why do they need his driver's license? I also like the claim that once you enter screening, you no longer have the option to opt out. What a crock.


Tea Party Patriots shocked and dismayed that the Washington establishment is already aggressively moving to corrupt incoming freshmen. Naivety is not a good quality in politics.


This article about monopolies dominating the internet misses the point because it never once mentions IP or patents.
"The Internet has long been held up as a model for what the free market is supposed to look like—competition in its purest form. So why does it look increasingly like a Monopoly board?"
It's like this guy is a straight man for Tucker and Kinsella.

The bigger government gets, the smaller our advantage in science becomes.

Another mainstream sportswriter explains that paying college football players isn't the problem, the system that bans paying them is. This is another case where you can't change the system from inside because the system is the problem. If every top college prospect demanded to get paid, the NCAA system would collapse and players could get fair wages for the value they bring to universities.

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