Monday, November 08, 2010

Free kibbles


This is the inevitable result of giving government power to tax and spend:
"A federal contractor speaks at an air base and essentially tells workers that, if they want to keep their jobs, they’ll vote for primary-loser-who-refused-to-go-away Lisa Murkowski, because she’s on the appropriations subcommittee that steers a lot of money to Alaska — a subcommittee the other candidates won’t be able to get on."
All government spending is done to buy votes.


Any article that begins with
"The US Federal Communications Commission should allow..."
has no credibility.


Obama backs Bernanke's devaluation of the dollar because he wants to collapse the US economy.

Sarah Palin knows which way the political wind is blowing, so she's criticizing the Fed. It's good to know she's listening to Ron Paul. In the old days, she was for bailouts, but now that the people aren't, neither is she. Typical politician.

Local gas prices have risen 22 percent in a week. Fed blamed. Gosh, you think? Actually, it isn't as simple as that. This new round of inflation hasn't even hit yet. This 22 percent rise in fuel prices is a consequence of the Fed's past inflation just catching up with us. The Fed started the inflation ball rolling in a huge way two years ago, and it just gave it another big push. We're going to suffer tremendous inflation for a number of years at least.


You know how the health care establishment is always telling us to eat lots of fruits, but not many nuts? Naturally they got it wrong.
"Human Ancestors Skipped Fruit, Went for Nuts
If you go back far enough, our ancestors were probably mostly frugivorous. How far? New evidence pushes it back past 4.2 million years.
Anthropologists examined the enamel microstructure of the teeth of Australopithecus anamensis (of “Lucy” fame) and found that while they were not equipped to deal with acid erosion from flesh fruits, they were made for the heavy mastication of abrasive, tough foods, like nuts, roots, and insects. The jaws allowed shearing and lateral chewing.

This diet corresponded with our move down from the trees and on to two feet. No longer were we tree apes dining on fruit and leaves; we were ground dwellers, trawling the grasslands for dense calories, fashioning tools to dig up roots and bugs and crack bones, and standing upright to reduce our sunlight exposure and keep an eye out for predators (and, eventually, prey). This new evolutionary path set us apart and helped make humans, and their brains, what they are today. Fruit is a tasty and nutritious addition to the diet, but it can’t beat dense roots, nuts, and animal foods for spurring, aiding, and abetting higher evolution."
Our health care system is dominated by government, and therefore it's corrupt. The fruit lobby is way more powerful than the nut lobby. 'Nuff said.


The Chicago Carbon Exchange is officially closed.
"Barack Obama was a board member of the Joyce Foundation that funded the fledgling CCX. Professor Richard Sandor, of Northwestern University had started the business with $1.1 million in grants from the Chicago-based left-wing Joyce Foundation enthusiastically endorsed by Obama."
I should have guessed he had his hand in this.


Armed agents raid barber shops to stop unlicensed barbering. This is a good reminder that every law government passes gives government the power to kill citizens. The law of government is simple: submit or die at the hands of armed invaders. Every law is a capital crime if government's victim refuses to submit. People should not be subject to death for failing to obtain a barber's license or any other peaceful activity. All laws giving government power to aggress against peaceful citizens are illegitimate.


Cantor criticizes Pelosi's attempt to become House Minority Leader. That was stupid. He should let Democrats self-destruct.

Indonesia's volcano god Merapi may keep Pharaoh Obama from visiting.

Establishment Republicans are mad at the tea party. Not smart.

I wouldn't call this election the best Republicans showing ever. I'd call it the worst Democrat showing ever.


If you think government contradicts itself, you don't understand the nature of government.
"One sees the same apparent contradiction in the treatment of tobacco:  its use is to be discouraged or prohibited while, at the same time, tobacco farmers receive government subsidies.  I said “apparent” contradiction, because the function of government is not to pursue socially beneficial policies and programs, but to use its coercive powers to benefit special interests that are then rationalized to the public as being “socially beneficial.”  The inherent contradictions in all forms of government are seen in the proposition that the state exists to “protect life, liberty, and property,” a notion that is the first act of every government to violate."
If you think government contradicts itself, you have fallen for the lies of the aristocrats. The government is remarkably consistent. It consistently takes our power and wealth from us in order to enrich and empower the aristocrats and their cronies.

More and more people realize the US is a banana republic.

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