Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Free kibbles


Nobody should be surprised that gun sales can rise while murder rates fall. I doubt there's any causality involved, but gun ownership does not lead to more murders.


Obama orders GM to run plant 24 hours a day, taking time away from normal maintenance. The central planner-in-chief thinks his will can overcome physics and economics.


How hard was this to figure out?
"In other words, the NFIB survey indicates that government — not credit availability — is the biggest problem facing small businesses right now."
Government is by far the biggest problem in the country,and getting bigger.


This might as well be a graph of the trajectory of the US, not just the federal deficit. I remember when I was growing up my grandparents said I was living the best times in history. That was in the context of putting a man on the moon - still the greatest accomplishment of humanity. They were wrong. Even our space program is less capable today because of crushing bureaucracy. How stupid is it that it will take NASA longer to send men back to the moon than it took to develop an entire space program from scratch and send men there the first time? Because I have no reason to think voters will stop voting for power-hungry Republicans and Democrats who have rigged the system so no small government candidates have a chance of winning their nominations, I'm going to live through the collapse of the greatest nation the world has ever seen. It will probably trigger the greatest collapse of the world economy in history. This could be the dawn of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. How shocking is it that the best hope for the survival of civilization is that China will be able to pick up the pieces like the US did after the collapse of the British Empire? I think China is still far too centrally planned for that to happen.

Study confirms what anybody with half a brain knows - bailouts are linked to corruption.

Borrowed stimulus money is delaying and worsening the financial pain for government schools.

Since the federal government mandated states pay out more unemployment, states need more bailout money. Nobody with half a brain is surprised by this. This was just another gimmick by Democrats in Washington to gain more power. They know as well as everybody else that if you tax something you get less of it and if you subsidize something, you get more of it. Democrats don't want to put people back to work. That's why they're subsidizing unemployment.

Have you ever noticed that when money's tight, if you borrow a bunch of money and spend it on all things you ever wanted to buy, life suddenly seems a lot brighter? How's that work out in the end?
"The FED has been expanding the monetary base since mid-June at a rate of 77% per annum."
The Fed printing money is worse than borrowing. It's stealing from the productive class to give to the unproductive class.

If you increase the budget by historical amounts in one year and only normal amounts the next, that's not austerity. Austerity would mean cuts. That's an attempt to redefine the terms of the discussion. Obama wants to claim he's fiscally responsible before the 2010 midterm elections.

Everybody likes to talk about how much money Wall Street is making, but no politician or their accomplice press talks about the money K Street is making. The only thing of value our aristocrats have to sell is our power. If they want to advance their careers as professional politicians, they have to sell our power. And lobbyists on K Street buy it. The only way to stop it is to take our power back.


I can't help but wonder if Bernanke has some sort of bizarre fetish about the Great Depression and he engineered this crisis on purpose so he could proclaim he saves us from the second Great Depression. He didn't get the nickname helicopter Ben for nothing. By all accounts he was the most aggressive advocate, even more than Greenspan, of inflationary monetary policy similar to the policy in the twenties that sparked the Great Depression.


Harry Reid inserts language into his health care bill forbidding future Congresses from repealing it. That language is powerless of course, but it just shows how twisted these freaks we send to Washington are.

I've been thinking about the possibility of civil disobedience over the health insurance mandate too. In Massachusetts, so many people ignored the Romneycare mandate that the state stopped enforcing it. I bet the same happens nationwide. But a big civil disobedience event or 100 would rock. Maybe tea partiers should get together and burn their insurance cards.

It's kind of interesting to see Cato defend Sarah Palin, but under government rationing of care, death panels are inevitable as Obama's advisers say.

How the Senate bill is both a big government takeover and a huge subsidy for health insurance companies. That's fascism. The more government gets involved in any industry, the more you can't tell where the government ends and the corporations begin. Corporations are already tax collectors for the Sheriff of Nottingham. This bill, like all extensions of government into the private sector, makes both more powerful.

How Harry Reid abused the system and the trust of the people on this health care oppression bill.


I don't think Obama and Democrats are in clinical denial about the global warming fraud. They're in self-serving denial. They know it's a fraud, but it's a fraud they want to capitalize on.


Uniformed tax collectors employ "ghost car" to catch people on cell phones.
"Stasaitis said police had been discussing problems with enforcing bans on cell phones and texting, and seat-belt violations, because drivers see patrol cars coming. “If everybody sees the cop, nobody does anything wrong, so you don’t catch the people you need to catch,” Stasaitis said. “Drivers slow down, drop their texting device, then the minute you’re past them, they go back to what they were doing."
Maybe those drivers aren't so distracted after all. Isn't that the point? Oh wait. The point is to seize money from citizens.


Fort Hood shooter complains he can't pray in Arabic with his family. So it begins. We're going to hear incessant nonsense from this guy for the next couple of years until he finally gets convicted. If praying in Arabic with his family was that important to him, maybe he should have done that instead of murdering 30 people in cold blood.

While I agree that the slow pain of sanctions against the Iranian people are counterproductive, I wouldn't call a mission to take out Iran's nuclear facilities a war of aggression. We're not obligated to wait until Iran sets off a nuke in the US to act. Same with North Korea. Maybe our foreign policy should have been different, but that doesn't negate our right to stop Iran from nuking us. That's like saying I have to wait until somebody pulls the trigger to defend myself. It's too late then. It also makes no sense to allow the Iranian government to develop a nuclear weapon then depend on them not to nuke us. If I live in a world with no police, and somebody convinces me they're going to go buy a gun and come kill my family one night when we're asleep, I'm not letting that guy buy that gun. I don't count on his good nature not to kill me. I don't count on my defenses if I don't have to. Defenses are imperfect. They fail. Me and my family could die. I'm stopping that guy before he gains the power to kill us. All that doesn't mean our aristocrats won't do something significantly worse than just taking out Iran's nuclear facilities.
"We would not tolerate foreign covert operations fomenting regime change in our government."
Ron Paul's flat out wrong about that. Teddy Kennedy tried to make a deal with the Soviet premier before Gorbachev to defeat Reagan. We've tolerated China meddling in our politics since Clinton at least. Hillary took money from the Chinese in the last primary. Obama took untold millions in donations from foreigners. We don't just tolerate operatives from other counties trying to bring about regime change, we welcome it.


Obama's disapproval numbers are higher than his approval numbers. And he's only in his first year.

Mainstream Republicans and their accomplice press are smearing Ron Paul to try and head off a 2012 campaign by him. Ron Paul is all over the TV since he's the only candidate from the last election who made any sense regarding our current, worsening problems. No wonder the power-hungry mainstream is scared.

It's impossible for the law not to be politicized. That's never been the case. Laws are written by politicians, enforced by politicians and the people breaking them are prosecuted and judged by politicians. Only a fool would think laws could be apolitical.
"All of which, the study says, reinforces the idea that the court is “a superlegislature responding to ideological arguments rather than a legal institution responding to concerns grounded in the rule of law.” And that, Liptak concludes, “is not easy to reconcile with the view that that law and politics are, or at least ought to be, different realms.”"
This guy is living in a fantasy land. He's noticing a polarization, but of course the court has been a superlegislature since day one. It's better to acknowledge that it's impossible for laws to be separated from politics so the best of course of action is indisputable to have as few and as simple laws as possible.


Our stupid local governments so ineffective they can't even clear snow from the roads and we're heading into a couple decade cold period worse than modern civilization has ever seen. Last year Dayton cut back on snow clearing and our roads were covered in dangerous snow and slush for weeks. When I was a kid, towns did a better job clearing roads so people could work and improve the lives of others. Our civilization is devolving and declining.

Over 800 full length documentaries online.

Study determines that women tend to be worse at parking then men. I guess they didn't have anything more obvious to study that day.

Public welcomes the transformation of America into a surveillance society. That's scary.

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