Sunday, December 20, 2009

Free kibbles


Check out the ignorance in this article which complains that Obama wasn't fascist enough to fully take advantage of the financial crisis. Just amazing.

It just struck me that the phrase "give me liberty or give me death" takes on a whole new meaning when the government is trying to seize control of our health care system. That's what the health care debate is about - liberty versus death by government decree. I put this under fascism on purpose.
"An inherent aspect of fascist economies was economic dirigisme[18], meaning an economy where the government exerts strong directive influence, and effectively controls production and allocation of resources. In general, apart from the nationalizations of some industries, fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state.[19]"
If that doesn't describe all of the Obamacare bills, I don't know what does.


So Democrats not only used the stick of threatening to pull strategic command out of Colorado to get Ben Nelson's vote, but gave him the carrot of extra Medicaid assistance like Louisiana got. This is blatant vote buying.


How the climategate conspirators corrupted science journals.
"Messrs. Mann and Wigley also didn't like a paper I published in Climate Research in 2002. It said human activity was warming surface temperatures, and that this was consistent with the mathematical form (but not the size) of projections from computer models. Why? The magnitude of the warming in CRU's own data was not as great as in the models, so therefore the models merely were a bit enthusiastic about the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Mr. Mann called upon his colleagues to try and put Climate Research out of business. "Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal," he wrote in one of the emails. "We would also need to consider what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit on the editorial board."

After Messrs. Jones and Mann threatened a boycott of publications and reviews, half the editorial board of Climate Research resigned. People who didn't toe Messrs. Wigley, Mann and Jones's line began to experience increasing difficulty in publishing their results."

There's more. That's politics, not science.

Summary of Copenhagen:

"When your attempt at recreating the Congress of Vienna with a third-rate cast of extras turns into a shambles, when the data with which you have tried to terrify the world is daily exposed as ever more phoney, when the blatant greed and self-interest of the participants has become obvious to all beholders, when those pesky polar bears just keep increasing and multiplying – what do you do?"
You pretend you did a lot.
"This week has been truly historic. It has marked the beginning of the landslide that is collapsing the whole AGW imposture. The pseudo-science of global warming is a global laughing stock and Copenhagen is a farce. In the warmist camp the Main Man is a railway engineer with huge investments in the carbon industry. That says it all. The world’s boiler being heroically damped down by the Fat Controller. Al Gore, occupant of the only private house that can be seen from space, so huge is its energy consumption, wanted to charge punters $1,200 to be photographed with him at Copenhagen. There is a man who is really worried about the planet’s future."
OMG, this is a good article. Now that we dodged the worst of this bullet, we can laugh, but we can't forget that Obama is still taking money from us by force and giving it to his tyrant buddies ruling third world countries in the name of AGW.

A view from the other side:
"What we have just witnessed is delegates from 192 countries talking about making sacrifices, slowing their development, constraining their industry, taxing their citizens, in a collective bid to stifle climate change. Those nations included virtually every race, every religion, every style of government – from monarchy to dictatorship, from constitutional democracy to communism."
He's saying that in praise. Seriously. He loves that tyranny is universal. That's the kind of freaks that are running our world.

Michael Mann, long ago exposed for his fraudulent hockey stick graph, is still claiming AGW is real. Then why did you have to lie about your data, Dr. Mann? It looks to me like Mann is making a last ditch effort to appeal to the people since no scientist will give him the time of day. His career is over.

Temperature data in Australia discovered to be grossly fraudulent.

Lord Monckton barred from Copenhagen climate conference and pushed to the ground by UN security. It's always violence with these crooks.

CRU taking down previously public data. I hope that since Jones is gone, the CRU is cleaning house.

Hey, the sun has sunspot!

Ten climate doomsday predictions that failed to come true.


One of Obama's ignorant voters admits he screwed up. Please, sir, never vote again. Leave voting to the grown ups who actually do the work to understand who the candidates are and what their agenda is before the election. How do idiots like this get jobs writing about politics? His boss should be so embarrassed by the ignorance of this man whom he provides a platform for like he know something, he should fire him then resign. Nothing Obama has done has been surprising.

More and more people are coming to the conclusion that Obama is the most dangerous president in history. It's hard top Lincoln though. I don't think Obama will succeed in killing more than 600,000 Americans, but not because he wouldn't mind. I'm sure if he thought he could implement his Marxist vision for America by using the military, he wouldn't mind killing millions of resisters. But America hasn't degenerated that far yet, so he can't do it yet. We're close, but not yet. If he succeeds in totally collapsing our economy before the 2012 election, he'll turn the military on us for sure. And anybody who's surprised by that should renounce voting forever because what else would you expect from a life-long partner of Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, a disciple of Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven and a student and teacher of ACORN?

These people should do us all a favor and never vote again.

"But many voters took a year to figure out that they weren’t getting what they thought they would get when they elected Obama. Recent polling reflects Obama’s rather shoddy domestic record, the paltry results of his “engagement” foreign-policy ventures, the still bleak jobs situation, and most of all, a large helping of buyer’s remorse. Voters may have been naive, but now they are disappointed."
Please. If you're surprised by Obama; if you thought Obama was a centrist; if you thought Obama was a moderate; if you didn't realize before the election that Obama was a Marxist trying to destroy America; if you ignored all the code words he said to his Marxist buddies like social justice; if you took Obama at his word and ignored his life-long record of working for Marxist and racist causes and organizations; if you dismissed Obama's book (almost certainly ghost written by Bill Ayers) where he admits to being a Marxist; if you ignored his lifelong partnerships with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright; if you ignored his dedication to Alinsky, Cloward and Piven; if you ignored or were too lazy to discover any of these things, you're part of the problem. Please do the the country a favor and never vote again.

I think Democrats are smart to point out that the Republicans who want to take back the House and Senate in 2010 are the same Republicans who governed so horribly since 2000. They haven't changed a thing. I agree that this will not be like 1994 because nobody likes Republicans either. In 1994, Newt engineered a positive agenda that capitalized on Reagan's success. The Republicans have no positive agenda and no success to capitalize on. If they try to claim to be the party of small or limited government, the voters will laugh all the way to the polls. Both parties suck, and the people understand that. Unfortunately, voters will continue voting for the two parties once again hoping for a different result - what Einstein correctly labeled insanity - and blaming the other side for our problems. Our election process is driven much more strongly by emotion and animal instinct than intelligent thought and analysis.


The Russian government doesn't want peace in cyberspace, it wants the US to cede the field to it.


Brit lampoons AP for brown-nosing coverage of Obama in Copenhagen.

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