Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Free kibbles


Five reasons why Barney Frank's 1,300 page Wall Street regulation bill is bad for America. Of course it is. By definition, it will restrict opportunities for entrepreneurs, protect Wall Street firms from competition and at the same time restrict them from opportunities for profit. To fund it, government will take money from the people by force. Nothing good can come of it.


Remember that $787 billion stimulus boondoggle with all that money for infrastructure? Apparently it wasn't nearly enough. We need more infrastructure spending. Like our streets haven't been torn up enough causing more accidents already. Another day. Another government program. Another attempt to distract us from what Congress is doing to our health care.

56 percent of Americans oppose Obama's stimulus boondoggle II. I hope the other 44 percent don't vote.

Tax cheats Lord Geithner and Charlie Rangel want to overhaul the tax code so they can pay less without getting caught and we can pay more.

Cash for Caulkers is a welfare for homeowners who make politically correct improvements. Every homeowner should make is house more energy efficient to save money, but government interference in that decision can only lead to problems. People will jump all over this seemingly free money. At least it doesn't destroy wealth like cash for clunkers.


Missouri attempts to join Montana and Tennessee which have nullified the federal government's claim to power to regulate intrastate gun ownership.


Judge Napolitano discusses with Tom Woods, author of Meltdown, how the Fed creates money by adding a zero or two to the bank accounts of favored organizations. Imagine if your bank could legally put a couple zeros on your account. If you have 1,000 in the bank, suddenly you'd have 100,000 without doing anything. Sweet. But imagine if every bank in the country put two zeros behind every account balance of every depositor in the nation. Every American would think they were rich. The would run out and buy stuff. But the only thing that would change is the prices of everything would add two zeros behind their previous price. Stock values would go up by 100x. Prices would go by by 100x. Nothing would change, yet our GDP numbers would go up by 100x. So what? But if only a few people got the extra zeros, those people would profit tremendously and the rest of us would pay higher prices for the same goods before the money trickled down to us. That's inflation. A tax. A transfer of wealth. We pay.

Ron Paul is no longer alone in fighting the Fed, but because of his principles, he'll probably vote against the oppressive, omnibus bill that contains his amendment to audit the Fed.
"Despite his unusual success in advancing the proposal, however, Paul is unlikely to cast a rare "yes" vote for it. That's because it is part of the bill proposing broad new financial regulation, something Paul simply cannot approve.

"That's my tradition," he said. "I won't vote for a bill that's a disaster because 1 or 2 or 5 percent of it is an improvement.""

Ron Paul provides a stark contrast between a representative committed to the principle of limited government and the rest of our aristocrats.


The WSJ provides an archive of essays on health care oppression.

Democrats trying to lower the age of Medicare recipients. Apparently they didn't get the memo that Medicare is bankrupting the country already. Don't you love when government claims something will be temporary?

The idea that states will opt out of government run health care is ridiculous. Taxpayers in every state will be subsidizing government run health care and they'll want some of their money back. I want to see states nullify the law and protect their citizens from the new taxes.

Harry Reid thinks he has 60 votes and a vote could come next week.
"But if Mr. Reid has his way, he could begin the process of shutting off debate late this week. That would set the stage for another test on the Senate floor early next week that will demonstrate whether he has 60 votes for the bill. Final passage could come late next week."
I told you to expect a big health care vote while Obama is in Copenhagen. This is by design. Obama's the distracter-in-chief. Congress is destroying America.


Apparently a plan to yank worldwide global warming administration from the UN and give it to the world bank, which is controlled by rich nations, threw a big monkey wrench in the Copenhagen one world government conference.

The WSJ provides an archive of essays on climate change.

Charles Krauthammer just discovered that environmentalism is a cover for socialism. Better late than never, I guess.

Just like the CRU, NASA and Jim Hansen refuse to release climate data so scientists can verify their work. So does NOAA. So do all the frauds.

Obama's EPA ruling gives him leverage to negotiate more damage to America in Copenhagen.

How the left has been hijacked by the global warming fraud, focusing all its energy on that instead of working on real problems the left usually resists to our detriment.
"Meanwhile, the police state has made unbelievable advances in the last ten years. We all live today in fear of the state's "security" apparatus. Airports have become living chapters in a dystopian novel. The local police treat us like potential terrorists. Crossing the US border is becoming reminiscent of East Germany. You can't go anywhere without your papers.

And where has the left been while the whole world is being Nazified? Worrying about my barbecue grill out back."

I think Rockwell's assumption is wrong. Leftists are every bit as much lovers of police states as radical right-wingers. They just want leftists to run the police state, not right-wingers. The global warming fraud provided the best opportunity for their twisted ambition to enforce a police state run by leftists all over the world.

Rockwell's assumption about the left being antiwar is also wrong. The left is no more antiwar than the right. The left is anti-right-wing war, not antiwar in general. The don't want to fight wars to stop communists and terrorists because they sympathize with them. The left wanted to send troops into Bosnia. They want to send troops into the Sudan. Leftist leaders like Bill Ayers are extremely violent. You see the violence at every leftist demonstration. There's no such thing as violent people who are antiwar.

One of the lessons from climate gate is that government aristocrats have taken control of the scientific process with government money with the predictable result that scientists have been corrupted into political tools for the aristocrats.

If Copenhagen falls flat, look for the aristocrats to scapegoat Jones and Mann, their scientific careers are already over, then jump on the next bandwagon in support of one world government - global cooling causing famine - which it will.

Record setting cold and snow in the US (the Gore effect - how funny) as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) kicks off in Copenhagen. It is funny how many times cold and snow have covered the US during these huge global warming propaganda conferences.

"In all, over the three day span from Friday through Sunday, 370 new record low temperatures were set or tied across the United States according to the National Climatic Data Center. Similarly 333 new record low maximums were set or tied over the same period."
List of global warming events coinciding with record cold and snow included.

China and US have a public spat in Copenhagen.


Pakistan arrests five Americans apparently looking to join jihad movement. There's five more enemies our policies have created.


Only 26 percent of Americans think Obama deserved his Nobel Peace Prize. I hope none of them vote.


Reporter seems surprised that fast food chains have higher standards for food than the government school monopoly providing lunches to kids.
"McDonald's, Burger King and Costco, for instance, are far more rigorous in checking for bacteria and dangerous pathogens. They test the ground beef they buy five to 10 times more often than the USDA tests beef made for schools during a typical production day.

And the limits Jack in the Box and other big retailers set for certain bacteria in their burgers are up to 10 times more stringent than what the USDA sets for school beef.

For chicken, the USDA has supplied schools with thousands of tons of meat from old birds that might otherwise go to compost or pet food. Called "spent hens" because they're past their egg-laying prime, the chickens don't pass muster with Colonel Sanders— KFC won't buy them — and they don't pass the soup test, either. The Campbell Soup Company says it stopped using them a decade ago based on "quality considerations." "

This reporter obviously understands neither government nor monopolies.

12 foods for a healthy immune system. Why must the eggs be raw?

Texas football coach Mack Brown gets $5 million a year. He deserves it. He probably brings in $100 million a year, and the university isn't guaranteed anybody else can do that. Just ask Notre Dame.

I don't think it's new news that FDR wanted to invite attack on the US to draw us into WWII, but I hadn't heard that US forces wanted to engage the Japanese fleet at sea before they reached Pearl Harbor but were stopped from doing so by the Pentagon. Frankly, it defies credibility. If our military knew where the Japanese fleet was, nothing, not the president, not the Pentagon, could have stopped Pearl Harbor forces from counter attacking. I didn't know Napolitano had a daily video on Foxnews website. I have a new show to watch.

I didn't know that skull and bones, the Yale secret society in which Bush and Kerry were both members, had been linked to the one world government movement. I'm not endorsing this conspiracy theory, but I wouldn't be surprised either. Conspiracies do exist. Like the great global warming fraud.

Five top publishers unite to take on kindle. This should force prices down and soon.

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