Saturday, December 26, 2009

Free kibbles


Obama gives Interpol immunity from US law. This is nuts, but on the other hand, we demand our agents get immunity from foreign countries, which is equally nuts. Conservative are up in arms that Obama did this, but they'll demand our guys, like Blackwater, have immunity from other countries. Apparently they can't see how they're supporting one world government and how it was inevitable that it would boomerang back on us at some time. If we want foreigners to respect our laws and sovereignty, we have to do the same.


After Obama promised Fannie and Freddie a blank check, Cato reminds that Obama's pay czar, who cut the salaries and bonuses of TARP recipients, OKed $42 million in bonuses to the top 12 execs of those socialist institutions. Not bad for government work.


Beware of aristocrats selling slavery under the guise of false rights.


Environmentalists reject nuclear power because they don't care as much about the environment as they do crippling human development. It's a negative philosophy, hatred of humans, more than a positive philosophy, love of nature. That's all it can be because nothing has done more to clean up our environment than the advancement of our economy, and environmentalists are staunchly against the advancement of our economy.

Castro attacks Obama. Poor Barack. He just can't please his fellow Marxist dictators. They might kick him out of the club. He'd love to able to, but reality in the US holds him back. For now.


The war on drugs claims ruins another life - a 10 year old girl traumatized for life for bringing peppermint oil to school.


Passengers on airliner subdue would-be terrorist. The people are always the first defenders, and after 9/11, Americans are waking up to that fact. We need to completely change the way we look at security based on people defending themselves and each other instead of sitting around while government gives us a false sense of security. The founding fathers passed this wisdom on to us in the second amendment.

How is this story fear-mongering? This guy really did try to blow up a plane in flight. Anybody who wouldn't be scared to death if they saw a man on airplane lighting some sort of fuse on any kind of device is a fool. How is reporting that story fear-mongering? And how is having security review its tactics to stop such a thing from happening again a bad thing? Fearing and/or hating government is one thing, but libertarians shouldn't let those emotions overwhelm their reason. These bizarre libertarians who act like terrorism isn't a real threat can't have it both ways. One the one hand they (rightly) attack government airport security for being inept. On the other hand, they attack airport security for trying to fix flaws when they're discovered. Criticizing that is absurd. Of course we should take security out of the hands of inept government, but you can't attack security people for reviewing their procedures in the wake of this incident. That's what the private sector would do too. This may not have been an actual threat or may have been a deadly threat. We don't know right now. Jumping to conclusions about fear-mongering before we get the facts is ignorant and reactionary, not rational and thoughtful, but as far as the passengers and crew on that plane go, more power to them for stopping this nut. And if this guy really was an al Qaeda agent, he should be sent to Guantanamo and held as a prisoner of war and tried for attempted war crimes, not given access to a civilian court.

In typical government malfeasance, this guy was on a terrorist watch list but not on the no-fly list. Over a million people are on that list. American grannies with the odd names are on the no-fly list and can't get off, but suspected terrorists aren't on it. This no-fly list is horribly mismanaged, but what else would you expect from government? From this article, it sounds like the explosive was a real threat to me. I bet we'll get more details soon. Like the Fort Hood shooter, this sounds like another example of how government wastes resources on surveillance of ordinary Americans while ignoring the real threats.

This guy is a recent covert to radical Islam. Our policies created another enemy.

Good for Greta for calling bull**** on the plan to stop providing pillows and blankets because of this. That's just stupid. What does the one hour lockdown before landing do? It tells the terrorists to blow the bomb up before that deadline. These are useless ideas intended solely to inspire a false sense of security. This is alarmist, reactionary and could be described as fear-mongering, but it's not being done by government.


How Obama is fragmenting the left.
"The progressive crack-up, before Obama even reaches the end of his first year, has been an awesome and occasionally humorous sight to see."
He didn't waste any time.


Researchers create single molecule transistor. Wow.

Constitutional law is a fiction created by power-hungry men who would not allow the Constitution to limit their selfish ambitions. The Constitution means what it says. Any law, presidential order or court decision that contradicts the plain language of the Constitution is null and void.

Israeli doctor admits Israeli doctors harvested organs from dead Palestinians without consent. Needless to say, this opens up the whole can of worms about whether the doctors did everything possible to save the patient. This whole organ donor thing is scary. I'm not an organ donor because I don't want to give a doctor any incentive to let me die. Doctors are human and corruptible just like everybody else.

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