Monday, December 21, 2009


by Mark Luedtke

Fraud: 1. deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, for profit or to obtain some unfair or dishonest advantage. 4. a person who makes deceitful pretenses; sham; poseur -from

If you're part of the movement to steal trillions of dollars from the citizens of rich nations, transfer that money to oppressive governments of poor nations, skim off your share, and enshrine yourself as a leader in the new world government responsible for this wealth transfer, and the pseudo-scientific basis for your claim is suddenly and spectacularly exposed as a fraud, what do you do? Ignore it? Pretend it's no big deal? Attack the messenger? Or all of the above?

Followers of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) movement have long known the movement was a fraud. In 2001 the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published Michael Mann's fraudulent hockey stick graph developed in 1999 at Penn State University from funding by taxpayers. This graph was so outrageously fraudulent, flying in the face of all available temperature records, that it was laughable, but because Mann refused to make his taxpayer funded data public for taxpayers to review, it took years for statistician Steve McIntyre and others to refute it. After the refutation, the IPCC and Mann withdrew the graph.

Public review of data is essential to science. Science is an inherently skeptical process, and for centuries scientists have made their data (and in the modern age, programs) publicly available so other scientists could repeat their experiments, review the analysis and draw their own conclusions. The hockey stick fraud first hinted at how billions of taxpayer dollars poisoned by political agendas had corrupted climate
research. Not long after, McIntyre exposed that NASA scientist James Hansen, Al Gore's right-hand man who also tried to hide his data, had similarly manipulated his temperature data to make it appear that recent temperatures were higher than they actually were. NASA was forced to correct the temperature record and admit that 1934 and 1998 are tied as the hottest years since recording began in 1880, but taxpayers are still paying Hansen's salary at NASA. Meteorologist Anthony Watts of has documented how the vast majority of climate stations used to collect that data are fraudulently placed near heat sources to artificially inflate the temperature data.

The AGW supporters claimed these were isolated mistakes, but skepticism grew. At every conference they held, record cold and snow struck, feeding skepticism. It's so common that skeptics have dubbed it the Gore Effect. Documenting the many lies in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, not least of which is the lie that CO2 causes global warming - in fact CO2 increases follow global warming by about 800 years as the oceans slowly outgas CO2 - also led to increased skepticism. Gore pronouncing scientific consensus, a political concept, not a scientific one, backed AGW invited more skepticism.

But in the run-up to the Copenhagen climate conference, a whistleblower blew the lid off of the AGW conspiracy by publishing emails, raw data and computer programs from the preeminent climate research facility in the world, Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, UK. The emails show this cadre of political agents posing as scientists - the CRU researchers, Mann, Hansen and others around the world - systematically manipulated, cherry-picked, faked, hid and destroyed data to make their results match the AGW political agenda. Privately they're embarrassed they can't explain the global cooling since 1998, but publicly they pretend it doesn't exist. By controlling so much taxpayer funding, these pseudo-scientists at the heart of the IPCC corrupted scientific journal editorial staffs, news reporters and the peer review process. They would peer review each other's papers and pronounce them legitimate in the same way the Sopranos or Corleones might peer review each other's activities and pronounce them legitimate.

As if from the Theater of the Absurd, the left downplays the emails as open to interpretation, but the programs and data are even more damning because they're not. The raw data simply doesn't support the AGW claim. The programs torture the data to fit the political agenda attached to the government money funding the pseudo-science. This manipulation was done to hide the Medieval Warm period, a period 1,000 years ago with higher temperatures than today, and make it appear hotter today. CRU Director Phil Jones and Mann are under investigation. Scientists are calling for criminal charges. Their careers are over. Jones has already stepped down. The UK government is strong-arming scientists to support the CRU, but the damage is done.

Gore and his cadre of frauds know their scam is blown, but the stakes are so high and they're so close that they're making a last ditch effort to rob us blind in Copenhagen. Speakers are attacking capitalism and western wealth with the fervor of desperation. Declaring CO2 - an essential ingredient for life - a dangerous pollutant is like declaring water a dangerous pollutant, but the frauds have hope because President Obama had his EPA do just that. How ironic that the Danes just uncovered massive corruption in their cap and trade scheme. Our saving grace may be that the merchantilists and the communists won't be able to reach an agreement over which will rule the world.

Greenland ice cores show that the planet is significantly cooler today than the norm for the last 10,000 years. Climate changed naturally for over 4 billion years, and it's changing naturally today, but since government funds virtually all science, all Gore and company had to do to create this fraud was funnel billions in tax dollars to scientists who supported it. Scientists who support the fraud live like kings. Excepting a few with tenure, scientists who don't support it struggle. It's that easy for central planners to create the most dangerous fraud since the communist paradise.

Al Gore presides over the fraud of the century, making $100 million
since 2000. Given the trillions at stake, Gore makes Bernie Madoff look
like a kid who stole lunch money, but he'll escape prosecution. Look for Gore and his conspirators to throw Jones and Mann overboard to save themselves, grab more control over science, and crank up their next alarmist scam - exploiting global cooling and subsequent famine.



Those kind hearted souls who want to save the planet from humanity and carbon dioxide damage threw bricks and smashed windows
to rally support for their cause in Copenhagen. No doubt these
champions of the left will be held up as heroes for their bravery and
wonderful intentions. The real goal of these protesters is to kill capitalism. That's what the whole fraud is about. Environmentalists and communists unite!

Great video shows just how tiny the little blip of global warming we experienced last century is relative to the last 1,000 through 10,000 years. It's almost unnoticeable on the 10,000 time scale, which, on average, were much warmer than today.

Met Office, the UK government's weather bureaucracy, is pressuring scientists to show support for CRU.
"One scientist said that he felt under pressure to sign the circular or risk losing work. The Met Office admitted that many of the signatories did not work on climate change."

Funding requests for climate scientists often require scientists show they support the global warming fraud
to receive funding. If you support the fraud, you and your family are
generously rewarded. If you don't, you and your kids can go hungry.
It's that simple.

In 2001 the IPCC published Mann's 1999 hockey stick graph.

Climategate likely an inside job, not a hacker.

"But the computer code is transparently fraudulent."

Al Gore goes from $2 million to $100 million net worth between 2000 and 2008.

Anthony Watts's surface station survey.

Mark Steyn writes another gem, this time informing that NASA has
recalculated the average temperatures for years. The 90s and the 00s
were cooler than reported, and the 30s are the hottest years on record,
as anybody with an understanding of history already knew. The question
is: was NASA's bug, now fixed, in the calculations accidental? Here's
the corrected table of temperatures.

Are NASA's faces red
because they inadvertently misrepresented historic global temperatures
to make recent years look extra hot or because they were caught doing
it intentionally to fan the global warming flames? More on skeptic
Steve McIntyre and his discovery that forced a correction at NASA.

CO2 follows global warming by 800 years. As of 1999, the US spent $2.1 billion annually on climate change research. Only 34 percent of Americans blame humans for climate change. Only 30 percent of Americans support cap and trade.

Sweet summary of many related stories showing the global warming fraud is falling apart before our eyes.

This article calls Climategate the biggest scientific scandal in a generation. I want to see a list.

Calling Climategate the death blow to climate science is premature, but calling the CRU a criminal cabal sounds right.

Excerpts and full summary of climategate from Lord Monckton.

Record setting cold and snow in the US (the Gore effect - how funny) as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) kicks off in Copenhagen.

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