Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Free kibbles


Obama to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan and declaring we'll leave in 18 months, if conditions permit. What kind of meaningless crap is that? He's obviously trying to buy time with his leftist base to get him through next year's midterm elections. I'm sure they'll see through it though, and at the same time that statement alienates our allies and conservatives. Obama is trying to please everybody and by doing so he's angering everybody. Expect our allies to begin pulling out soon and leave Americans to bleed alone thanks to that stupid comment. It's hard to see how Obama could have gotten this any more wrong.


Iran captures five British sailors to use as propaganda tools again. Whoever runs the British Navy should be fired. How many times must this happen before they figure out how to protect their sailors? It's obvious the British Navy doesn't consider this a threat. I sure hope the Mullahs don't execute them.

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