Saturday, December 19, 2009

Free kibbles


The US is preparing to quash unrest in case of an "unforeseen" economic collapse. Unforeseen my ass. Obama is engineering it.

Is 2010 the year of the next big crash? Foreclosures are still going up. I don't know where this guy comes up with his claim that Bernanke will back off quantitive easing (code for inflating the money supply), but he's certainly right that the economy is being strangled by design.

Peter Schiff explains the consequences of the falling dollar on the stock market.
"But people need to understand that just because stock prices are going up, it doesn't mean they're richer because they own those stocks. Stock prices are rising more slowly than the dollar is falling. They may have more dollars when they sell their stocks, but they'll be able to buy less stuff.
If you really want to see what's happening with stock prices, and take the inflation out of it to find the real value, then you look at stock prices in terms of gold. Right now the Dow is worth about nine ounces of gold. In 2000, the Dow was worth 43 ounces. So even though the Dow is only down slightly in dollar terms for the last decade, it's down 70% in gold terms. I think next year the Dow could fall precipitously in terms of gold. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Dow down to five ounces of gold, which is a significant fall."
It's hard for us to imagine we're getting poorer as our portfolios expand, we've never experienced that, but that's what government has done to us. Schiff thinks China is creating a bubble, but it won't burst soon, so he's riding it up. He also thinks real unemployment could reach 25 percent before Obama leaves office.

How Obama's policies keep banks from lending to small businesses.


Treasury uses accounting gimmicks to break debt limit without congressional approval. The law means nothing to Obama, and his administration is the most lawless since FDR. He said he wanted to have a presidency like FDR and Lincoln who presided over the two most destructive periods in US history, so I guess Americans have to suffer like we did under FDR and Lincoln.

The average federal bureaucrats earns $30,000 more per year than the average private sector worker. We did this to ourselves. We are the stupidest, most ignorant, or both voters in the world.

Three charts comparing the average annual growth in spending under every president between Eisenhower and Bush, inclusive. We talk about the explosion in welfare state spending, but that was reduced dramatically after Ford. On overall spending, Bush the Younger only comes in third behind Ford and LBJ, which surprised me. Only Eisenhower cut spending.

John Stossel says government shouldn't take our money by force then give a small portion of it back with strings attached. That sounds kind of common sense to me.


Gulf oil producing states to produce new currency based on the euro model to replace the dollar that's being destroyed by Ben Bernanke, Pharaoh Obama and Lord Geithner.
"Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar are to launch the first phase next year, creating a Gulf Monetary Council that will evolve quickly into a full-fledged central bank. "
I still think it would be more human if those three crooks just nuked the US and got it over with instead of torturing the US to destruction. Of course Greenspan-Bernanke, Bush and Paulson were destroying the dollar too, just not quite as fast.

The case for catastrophic deflation - nobody wants the dollar no matter how many Bernanke prints. I would say that almost certainly won't happen. The people of Zimbabwe and the Wiemar Republic didn't give up their currency when they were carting it around in wheelbarrows. How come I can't borrow a hundred million from the Fed at zero interest and pay it back whenever, if ever, I feel like it?

You know, if they really wanted to fix the housing bubble that brought down our economy, Bernanke could have just printed enough money to pay off all the mortgages that were in jeopardy.


Harry Reid gets his 60 votes - for now. They're expecting a vote Christmas Eve, so we have until then to convince one non-Republican to vote against this still secret bill. Ben Nelson and Lieberman are possible targets.

How Obama used thug tactics to get Democrats to vote for this health care oppression bill. I'm sure this goes on all the time, but it's using taxpayer dollars to bribe and extort others. Our political system is organized crime.

Five whoppers Obama is telling about Obamacare.
"The White House Council of Economic Advisers just released a report arguing that the reforms before Congress would reduce the growth in health costs, cut the federal budget deficits and produce thousands of dollars in benefits for the average family. The problem is that just a few days earlier a report from the president's own chief health care actuary concluded that the bill the Senate is considering would actually increase U.S. health spending by $234 billion over the next 10 years and hurt seniors' access to care."
They're even lying to each other.

The Copenhagen crowd signs off on US backed agreement. What else were they going to do? Say, "No, we're not going to take your money."? Boortz's take is pretty good:
"Our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has pledged $100 billion dollars A YEAR to "developing nations" to help them fight global warming. That's promising $100 billion a year that we don't have to fight a problem that doesn't exist."
That about sums it up. But he's wrong about this being just about Obama. McCain fell for the global warming fraud too and supported cap and trade.

Will the arctic fox replace the polar bear as the fraudulent face of global warming? Since polar bears are thriving, that would be smart, but you can't pictures of arctic foxes on ice flows.

I don't want any of these tiny cars. They look like kids' toys.

Pat Buchanan on the fraud in Copenhagen:
"If you would know what Copenhagen is all about, hearken to this nugget in The Washington Post's report from the Danish capital.

"Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi – who is representing all of Africa here – unveiled his proposal Wednesday for a system in which rich countries would provide money to poor ones to help deal with the effects of climate change. ...

"Zenawi said he would accept $30 billion in the short term, rising to $100 billion by 2020. ... This was seen as a key concession by developing countries, which had previously spurned that figure ... as too low."

There was a time when a U.S. diplomat would have burst out laughing after listening to a Third World con artist like this."

But Obama is trying to make us as poor as possible as fast as possible to punish us for having the temerity to get wealthy. He'll probably give them more. Remember a $100 billion a year at $50K per job is 2 million jobs lost.

More on the Hadley Center cherry-picking Russian temperature data:

"The IEA believes that Russian meteorological-station data did not substantiate the anthropogenic global-warming theory. Analysts say Russian meteorological stations cover most of the country’s territory, and that the Hadley Center had used data submitted by only 25% of such stations in its reports. Over 40% of Russian territory was not included in global-temperature calculations for some other reasons, rather than the lack of meteorological stations and observations.

The data of stations located in areas not listed in the Hadley Climate Research Unit Temperature UK (HadCRUT) survey often does not show any substantial warming in the late 20th century and the early 21st century.

The HadCRUT database includes specific stations providing incomplete data and highlighting the global-warming process, rather than stations facilitating uninterrupted observations.

On the whole, climatologists use the incomplete findings of meteorological stations far more often than those providing complete observations.

IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations.

The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass. The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration."

This is a conspiracy of fraud on an unprecedented scale.

Schwarzenegger promotes the fraud in Copenhagen.


After 9/11, it was inevitable that the government would decide that drug dealers were terrorists, and the war on drugs invites terrorists to get in the drug trade to make huge money to fund terrorism. Stupid government policy makes funds terrorism. This is another in the myriad ways the war in drugs is destructive.


Speeding laws are not about safety. They're about money. Government has discovered it's way more politically palatable to fund its activities with confiscatory penalties for pseudo-criminal activity than by raising taxes, so government is criminalizing everything and imposing draconian fines on those pseudo-criminal activities. For a long time now, the main function of police has been to be uniform tax collectors, and it's getting worse fast.

Prosecutors intimidate defense witnesses. This is the rule, not the exception. Happily, the judge dismissed the case with prejudice, but he didn't have the prosecutors arrested. He would have had you or I arrested.

Chronicle of abuse by Chicago cops.

How federal laws make everybody a criminal.


US denies missile attacks on Yemen. It might have been Saudis.

Even the optimists portend gloom and doom in Afghanistan.
"President Obama has outlined his new Afghanistan strategy, and the critics have had a lot to say. Things will be tougher than they were in Iraq, warned one opponent. The American general in charge doesn't understand Afghanistan very well, said another. Afghans won't be ready to take over security for their country for at least five years and will demand U.S. financial help for 15 or 20, predicted a third.

Oops. My mistake. Those forecasts didn't come from people who oppose Obama's decision to expand the war. They came from people who support it—no less than Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, and President Hamid Karzai. In this war, even the optimists are wreathed in gloom."



The Houston Chronicle has been no fan of Ron Paul, but it says he's gaining respect. If we'd have had enough respect for him to elect him in 1988, we wouldn't be in this mess. If we'd have had enough respect for him to elect him in 2008, we'd be on our way to recovery instead of going deeper into depression.

Obama's rhetorical gimmicks meant to mislead the public. I don't see how these beacons of lies help him. He misleads by telling people what they want to hear, as dishonest as it is.


Ron Paul doesn't support new sanctions on Iran. I'd like to know his plan on stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Do nothing is not an option, but what is the best thing? I'm afraid the only effective option we have left is credibly threatening to either blockade refined petroleum or bomb their nuclear facilities. If we had credibly threatened to bomb or bombed North Korea five years ago to stop its nuclear program, Iran would have happily bargained to avoid the same thing.


Democrat thinks the Constitution makes Congress our daddy, but he can't seem to point out the line that does it. I'm sure he means the general welfare clause. Hamilton stuck us good with that one, just like he intended.

I want a constitutional amendment that says nobody in federal government shall be exempt from any law.

The downside of professionalism:
"Professionalism represents a separation of the consumer market from the professional market. The consumer market values serving customers. The professional market values its social (or political) position. "
I never thought of that. I always thought of professionalism as a positive.

How competing for government grants has damaged science.
"It never was really true, of course, as the conventional wisdom tends even now to imagine, that "the scientific method" guarantees objectivity, that scientists work impersonally to discover truth, that scientists are notably smarter, more trustworthy, more honest, so tied up in their work that they neglect everything else, don’t care about making money . . . But it is true that for centuries scientists weren’t subject to multiple and powerful conflicts of interest."
We should always be skeptical of scientific claims, but never more so than now. But there is a scientific method. People claiming to be scientists who don't follow the method are pseudo-scientists.

Suppression of science in AIDS research.
"For several centuries, modern science was pretty much a free intellectual market populated by independent entrepreneurs who shared the goal of understanding how the world works. Nowadays it’s a corporate enterprise where patents, pay-offs, prestige, and power take priority over getting at the scientific truth, and the powers-that-be have established knowledge monopolies."
Interesting term.
"I had met Peter Duesberg in person only at the Conference, but I had been quite familiar with him from many videos. What had always stuck in my mind was his expression of surprise, astonishment, sheer disbelief, as he told what happened to him after he questioned whether HIV could be the cause of AIDS:

I had all the students I wanted . . . lab space . . . grants . . . . elected to the National Academy. . . . became California Scientist of the Year. All my papers were published. I could do no wrong . . . professionally . . . until I started questioning . . . that HIV is the cause of AIDS. Then everything changed.

What happened then was that he got no more grants; his manuscripts were rejected without substantive critiques, just that "everyone knows that HIV causes AIDS"; Robert Gallo, who earlier had talked of Duesberg’s distinction as a leading retrovirologist, now publicly called him dishonest on scientific matters. Defenders of the mainstream view have even held Duesberg responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of South Africans and have described him as the moral equivalent of a Holocaust denier."

When government funds science, it's inevitable that political motivations will corrupt the process.

Parents should let underage kids drink alcohol to demystify it so they don't abuse it when they get older.

Another way they brainwash children:
"Santa Claus, FOX anchors reassured children of all ages today, has received briefings and guidance from the US Air Force, the FAA, and the Department of Homeland Security."
Why do they drag kids into believing in a wonderful, benevolent government that even Santa has to ask permission from? That's just sick. Santa's more likely to be real than a benevolent government.

I used to solve the most difficult engineering problems I faced by sleeping. Sleeping well before tests helped me do well in school. I've always known that sleep was key to memory, creativity and problem solving.

Powerful intellectual from Harvard and Harvard Business School both slaps down Keynesians and Friedmanites and praises Mises who predicted all this. It's too bad it took a crisis for intellectuals to recognizes the obvious - monetary policy is no free lunch because there is no free lunch.
"So though superficially this crisis seems like a defeat for Smith, Hayek, and Friedman, and a victory for Marx, Keynes, and Polanyi, that might well turn out to be wrong. Far from having been caused by unregulated free markets, this crisis may have been caused by distortions of the market from ill-advised government actions: explicit and implicit guarantees to supersize banks, inappropriate empowerment of rating agencies, disastrously loose monetary policy, bad regulation of big insurers, systematic encouragement of reckless mortgage lending – not to mention distortions of currency markets by central bank intervention."
Exactly. The Keynesians and Marxists have capitalized (should they be allowed to use that word?) on the very crisis they caused. It's important that a giant at Harvard is saying these things.

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