Friday, December 18, 2009

Free kibbles


Cato suspects that the so-called deficit reduction commission is really a tax hike commission. Of course it is. A commission of Republicans and Democrats will not push for spending cuts. That this panel will recommend serious tax hikes is a fait accompli. This is way for Congress to pass the buck on a future massive tax hike and claim it had bipartisan support.

The problem is not the debt so much as the spending. Being in debt adds additional spending for interest, but other than that, there's is no difference. Government spending, whether paid for by borrowing or taxes, takes the money spent out of the productive economy and reinjects that money in unproductive places, perverting our economy and making us all that much poorer.


Harry Reid still hasn't unveiled his so-called compromise health care bill. This bill must be the most terrible so far for him to so aggressively hide it from the American people. lobbies against Reid's bill because it isn't socialist enough. This is good news, but not great news. That's a powerful lobby to join Democrat Party Chairman Dean, but the problem is they have nowhere else to go. They're going to vote for their Democrat incumbents next election anyway. Unions are unhappy with the Senate bill too.

I wonder what two feet of snow in Washington will do to this process. Reid may use this to pass votes with very few senators in secession. A quorum is 51 senators. Republicans can't just boycott.

Just the requirement that insurers must insure anybody no matter of pre-existing conditions will kill the insurance industry.
"To cope with their [government mandated] inability to partition along risk levels, profit-seeking insurance companies must cut costs by excluding the highest-risk patients from insurance. In a free market, these individuals would be offered insurance at a higher premium aligned with their high risk of major claims. In human terms, this leads to the exclusion of people with preexisting conditions and those with significant claims on past insurance plans."
As always government creates the problems it subsequently claims to be solving. By forcing premiums to be the same regardless of risk and forcing insurance companies to insure people with pre-existing conditions and the chronically ill, the payouts of insurance companies will skyrocket. As a result, either premiums will skyrocket or government won't let premiums rise forcing insurance companies into bankruptcy. In practice government will enforce some kind of balance between rising premiums and bankruptcies. This will cause a never-ending spiral of rising costs as insurance companies drop like flies and people opt for the fine instead of paying premiums. Like I always claimed, Democrats designed their health care systems to fail. Both of them set up systems that are designed to fail to Democrats can come back and say they need full blown socialized medicine to fix the failures of the "free market" health care system.

Judge Napolitano explains rights and that health care is not a right.


It sounds like nothing binding will come from Copenhagen, thank goodness. Has anybody asked Obama where the Constitution gives government the power to regulate plant food?

Obama official calls an agreement reached with China,
""It's not sufficient to combat the threat of climate change but its an important first step," the official said.

"We entered this negotiation at a time when there were significant differences between countries. Developed and developing countries have now agreed to listing their national actions and commitments, a finance mechanism, to set a mitigation target of 2 degrees Celsius and to provide information on the implementation of their actions through national communications, with provisions for international consultations and analysis under clearly defined guidelines.

"No country is entirely satisfied with each element but this is a meaningful and historic step forward and a foundation from which to make further progress.""
That sounds like spin designed to make Obama look good to his radical leftist base.
"It could pave the way for a full agreement at the summit here, but not a legally binding treaty -- for now."
I think we dodged a bullet, but the relentless march toward world-wide slavery continues. Deal called a failure.
"The agreement aims to provide $30bn in funding for poor countries to adapt to climate change from next year to 2012, and $100bn a year after 2020."
Aims to? Obama says he intends to honor this agreement regardless of whether all other countries sign the deal. Why doesn't he just nuke us? It would be more humane than bleeding us to death.

In the mean time, Washington prepares for the biggest snow storm in six years and the largest December accumulation in 70 years and heavy snow and bitterly cold temperatures hit Copenhagen.

Communists waving Soviet flags in Copenhagen. The anthropogenic global warming fraud is about implementing world-wide communism.

Russian think tank discovers that another UK pseudo-scientific climate research facility manipulated data from Russian temperature stations to promote the global warming fraud.

Along with the VAT tax, the EU cap and trade system has been taken over by organized crime.
"The European Union’s flagship cap-and-trade carbon credit trading system is plagued by massive fraud and is effectively under the control of organized crime, according to a December 9 statement issued by European police. Europol, an EU-wide criminal intelligence agency similar to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, says bogus trading at the EU’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) has exceeded €5 billion (U.S.$7 billion) over the past 18 months alone. Europol says that in some EU countries, up to 90 percent of the entire market volume is fraudulent."
That's because it's based on a fraud and implemented by force. How can it be anything but criminal? The same thing will happen everywhere cap and trade is forced on people including the US.

Turning children into socialist eco-spies through fear.


Three North African men flown to New York for trial on terrorism and drug charges. When did we get jurisdiction over North Africa? Or South America? This is just nuts.


Iranian troops seize disputed Iraqi oil field. It's in the Shiite south too, but I don't know if this well is controlled by Shia. I thought Iraq and Iran were going to buddy up together.


Obama launches cruise missile attacks against two suspected al Qaeda bases in Yemen.


John Kasich wants to,"Skinny-down state bureaucracy to ensure taxpayers are getting their money’s worth, and reform state government into a 21st century partner with Ohio's job creators – not one that punishes business with outdated or unnecessary regulation;"Having government partner with Ohio job creators is like having sharks partner with seals. Kasich wants us to believe like all aristocrats that there is such a thing as good government. There's not. Kasich believe that government is the solution to our problems if it was just run by the right person. It's not. Government is our biggest problem because it makes every problem we have in life harder to overcome.


French court fines Google for copyright infringement for digitizing books.

Congress expanding Clean Water Act to include every drop of water on the ground in America. Our politicians are out of control, power hungry freaks.

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