Saturday, September 05, 2009

What if McCain Had Won?

It's easy to bash Democrats for their outrageously destructive policies, but I think many voters have selective amnesia about the Republicans. Before the election I said America would probably suffer less damage if Obama was elected because Republicans would unite against him and he'd have problems with his own party. If McCain had been elected, many Republicans would have felt obligated to support his liberalism, and Democrats would have welcomed it too. On the issues of today, what would have happened if McCain had been elected?

Tax and trade: Every Republican in the House voted against tax and trade, and the bill is in serious jeopardy in the Senate. But McCain supported tax and trade, just with lower caps than Democrats supported. If McCain had been president, tax and trade would have been guaranteed to become law.

Health care: Democrats' health care oppression plan may still become law, but it's in serious jeopardy in both the House and the Senate. McCain's health care plan would have actually improved health care in America, unlike the Democrat plan, but if McCain had won the election, Democrats would still control both houses of Congress and would have set the agenda on health care. In order to get McCain's signature, they would have compromised from their extreme position, and some bipartisan health care oppression-lite bill would have become law, further harming our health care system.

War: McCain would have done very similar things in Iraq in Afghanistan, and he would have probably already started a new war with Iran.

Stimulus: McCain would have probably signed a smaller, tax rebate based stimulus bill similar to the useless bill passed when Bush was president.

Budget: The Federal budget would have ballooned under McCain, but at a slightly slower pace than Obama.

Taxes: Democrats would have pushed through their cigarette and cigar tax, probably at a lower rate to get McCain's signature. Congressional Democrats would still let the Bush tax cuts expire, leading to the biggest tax increase in history (unless the tax and trade tax was bigger).

Interrogations: McCain would have outlawed harsh interrogation techniques, but he wouldn't have attacked the CIA.

Illegal Immigration: Democrat plans for comprehensive illegal immigration are more than likely stillborn because of the animosity they've earned on earlier issues. If McCain was president, comprehensive illegal immigration reform would be a near certainty.

In my opinion, as bad as things are with Obama in the White House, and as dangerous as Obama is, his radical presidency is over. It's very likely neither health care oppression or tax and trade will become law under Obama, but they surely would have under McCain. We'd have been worse off with McCain as President because the liberal agenda would have advanced further under him. Every vote for McCain instead of the Libertarian party harmed our country.

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