Monday, September 14, 2009

Free kibbles


Obama pushes for more oppressive finance regulation because the existing, oppressive regulations did such a great job of preventing the recent collapse. Oh wait. No they didn't. President Obama is a master at controlling the news cycle. He was slammed for his dishonest health care speech, so he throws this out there in an attempt to change the subject and distract Americans will Democrats ram through a health care oppression bill. Of course, because he's so thoroughly controlled the news cycle, most Americans can no longer stand to see his face or hear him talk. His narcissism kept him from foreseeing that consequence of his actions. Obama wants to be the banker-in-chief too. There's no amount of power that would be too much for Obama.


Suddenly Iran is willing to discuss its nuclear program. Maybe Obama's sparkling personality paid dividends. More likely, something underhanded is going on.


Private company plans to launch manned orbital spacecraft in 2011. Despite government's attempts to control all human activity, especially space activity, people are finding a way to progress.

At least 14 women and children killed in stampede to get free flour in Pakistan. That's the kind of news we'll read about the US in 10 years.

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