Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Free kibbles


53.4 percent of Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 are unemployed. The minimum wage and big government depressing our economy are destroying the future of America.


Social Security is in the red.


The Democrat dominated Senate Finance Committee rejected two public option amendments.

You knew it was going to be like this - Democrats want to send individuals who don't buy health insurance or pay the exorbitant fine to prison. Democrats don't want Americans to be free.

Republicans bash Democrats over tax increases in their health care plans. Why aren't these ads running on my TV?

21 false claims in Obama's speech to Congress about health care by Cato scholar. Great list.

Democrats pushing to include illegal aliens in government health care plan.


Senate Democrats rebranding tax and trade bill as "pollution reduction" bill. Maybe somebody should inform them that CO2 is a plant food.


Indiana grandmother arrested for buying two packages of cold medicine in a week.


If President Obama was so concerned about a new strategy in Afghanistan, maybe he should have talked to the commanding general there more than once in 70 days.


Democrats hoping for an act of violence to paint all small government supporters as violent. The problem is they'll get one eventually. It's inevitable. The media ignores violent acts by mainstream leftists like Bill Ayers but magnifies violent acts by the fringe right-wingers, and Pelosi and company are setting this up as a tool for regulation. But I think they're once again misreading the public. When they try to paint everybody as violent, it will backfire on them.

Wall Street is showering money on Democrats, especially Chuck Schumer. They got a fabulous return on investment from the money they gave Democrats previously.


Sarkozy mocks Obama over desire to banish nuclear weapons.


Woman charged with operating an illegal day care for watching neighbors kids before they get on the school bus.

Dry counties going wet to raise revenue by taxing alcohol. Phony, holier-than-thou policies go out the window when money to buy votes dries up. This is what led to the repeal of prohibition. As our recession deepens, maybe we'll repeal the war on drugs too.

UK government going through people's trash. Obama is taking notes.

It's disgusting how much more money in wages and benefits government workers make than private sector workers. This is blow your mind.
"The Congressional Budget Office states that by next year America’s debt will exceed 60% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In 2023, our debt will exceed 100% of the GDP."

20 techniques to help your memory.

Government spends tons of money on worthless research. Duh.

Interesting way of dealing with man who burned veterans' flag.

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