Friday, September 11, 2009

Free kibbles


Keynesian economics are failing us during this recession, as always. It should be called fantasy economics.

Chart shows there hasn't been any real economic growth in the US for 10 years. It was all an illusion created by the Fed's printing press. Our current recovery is also an illusion created by the Fed's printing press. I keep talking about the burden of government has brought the US to decline. This graph shows the burden of government has brought us down to a plateau. But like everything else in the universe, our economy has inertia. We're on the way down, not up. In order to go back up, in order to return to a trajectory of greatness, we must dramatically reduce the size and scope of government.

Reason lampoons the New York Times's claim that taxpayers have made money off of TARP.


Obama's health care speech inspires Medicare for Dummies essay.

Reason documents a few of Obama's lies on health care.

Calling President Obama a liar again, Thomas Sowell goes on to call his health care speech "both a masterpiece of rhetoric and a shameless fraud." Sowell pulls no punches in this essay.
"One of the secrets of being a glib talker is not getting hung up over whether what you are saying is true, and instead giving your full attention to what is required by the audience and the circumstances of the moment, without letting facts get in your way and cramp your style. Obama has mastered that art.
Con men understand that their job is not to use facts to convince skeptics but to use words to help the gullible to believe what they want to believe. No message has been more welcomed by the gullible, in countries around the world, than the promise of something for nothing. That is the core of Barack Obama's medical care plan."
God bless Thomas Sowell.

Part 4 of Ann Coulter's series about liberal lies on health care.

Of course there will be death panels.

Medicare for all? Do you George McGovern has heard the news that Medicare for a few has bankrupted the country? Naturally he loves Medicare. Who wouldn't love having the government take money from others by force and give it to them?

No matter what Obama's rhetoric says, Democrats are still trying to push the same bad bills in Congress.

John Stossel writes what Obama should have said to Congress.


William Faulkner explains our duty to be free.
"Years ago our fathers founded this nation on the premise of the rights of man. As they expressed it, "the inalienable right of man to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
In those days they knew what those words meant, not only the ones who expressed them, but the ones who heard and believed and accepted and subscribed to them. Because until that time, men did not always have those rights. At least, until that time, no nation had ever been founded on the idea that those rights were possible, let alone inalienable. So not only the ones who said the words, but the ones who merely heard them, knew what they meant. Which was this: "Life and liberty in which to pursue happiness. Life free and secure from oppression and tyranny, in which all men would have the liberty to pursue happiness."
And both of them knew what they meant by "pursue." They did not mean just to chase happiness, but to work for it. And they both knew what they meant by "happiness" too: not just pleasure, idleness, but peace, dignity, independence and self-respect; that man's inalienable right was the peace and freedom in which, by his own efforts and sweat, he could gain dignity and independence, owing nothing to any man."

Prosecutor tries to silence pain medicine advocate in a foreseeable consequence of the war on drugs.


Obama is supporting an international tax cartel called the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This is another one-world-government precursor organization.

Putin warns against attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.

The Obama administration makes the Keystone Cops look on the ball. Obama's willing to talk to unilaterally talk to North Korea to persuade it to rejoin six party talks to persuade it to give up its nuclear program. Obama is getting stupider and farther from the goal by the day.

Just to really drive the point home, Obama plans to talk to Iran even though Iran won't talk about halting its nuclear program. That should be a great way to waste time and distract Obama from stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons. I bet they set off their first nuclear test while Obama and Khamenei are watching a woman be stoned to death.

Obama likes to talk about nuclear disarmament, but he's enabling proliferation.


Today is 9/11.

Obama's buddies in ACORN Washington D.C. are in on the underage prostitution ring too. Why Bush didn't break up this organized criminal group is beyond me. You know Obama and Holder won't.

Patriotic cakes go wrong.

Pakistan captures Taliban commanders.

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