Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Free kibbles


Private sector employment is below the level for August 1999. We've now sacrificed more than 10 years of our productivity, wealth and lives to our government. Naturally, the aristocrats demand more. It'll never be enough for them until we're all living in caves and wearing fur loincloths.

Sweden announces tax cuts and regulatory changes to promote entrepreneurship in order to boost its economy. Even the Swedes, often hailed as successful socialists, are embracing economic freedom to their benefit while we continue to destroy it to our detriment. We have the stupidest government in the world.


The Heritage Foundation analyzes the Baucus health care oppression bill.

Obama's health care mandate is a tax.


One of the world's leading proponents of global warming and lead author for the IPCC admits he was wrong, the planet is cooling and will continue to cool for several decades. The silence from the media is deafening.


Summary of Obama's appearances on Sunday talk shows.


Obama gives speech at UN. I'm sure he'll be warmly accepted for his anti-American positions.

Russia is suddenly open to Iran sanctions. Maybe Obama got something in return for scrapping missile defense in Poland after all.


Of course Obama and Democrats want to bail out the newspaper industry. Look how they used bailout money to seize control of the financial sector and auto industry. Obama would love to control the press too instead of having to trust it to be a willing ally.

Short history of ACORN.

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