Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Free kibbles


Gold tops $1,000.

Do we really need a new study to tell us that Obama is repeating the mistakes of the Great Depression? Yes we do. We need more of them. We need as many of them as we can possibly get. Even though we know Obama is repeating those mistakes, we need tons of studies to confirm it, document it and keep it in the news to combat the pervasive mantra of the Keynesians that Obama is doing the right thing.
"Indeed, it is not impossible that the US will experience the kind of economic collapse from first- to third-world status experienced by Argentina under the national socialist governance of Juan Peron."
That's the path both parties have us on - the Road to Serfdom.


I fall for this all the time. It's not a public option. It's a government option. Just like it's government schools. And government roads. And government airwaves. I need to quit falling for this public crap.


DHS report for an American citizen including credit card number and expiration. This is ridiculous. Most of this information should be private between traveler and the company he or she is doing business with, and therefore DHS should have no access to it without a warrant.


I think Boortz is right that Obama's speech to students made panicked conservatives look like fools, but he's wrong about the speech being innocuous. There was no liberal propaganda in the speech, but there was plenty of propaganda supporting a big government, interventionist nanny state. Because many acted without thinking, they made the wrong arguments. They should have made their arguments from a libertarian perspective. Actually, they should just become libertarians.


Why America's political system is so corrupt.
"Because democracy is open to any and all who can get elected — either through connections, personality, or personal wealth — it is a social system where leadership positions become a hotbed for sociopaths. Maslow's self-actualizing man won't have an interest in politics. But those stuck on the need for esteem are drawn to it like flies to dung.
With leadership in such dysfunctional hands, it is no wonder. "In comparison to the nineteenth century, the cognitive prowess of the political and intellectual elites and the quality of public education have declined," Hoppe writes in Democracy.[11] "And the rates of crime, structural unemployment, welfare dependency, parasitism, negligence, recklessness, incivility, psychopathy, and hedonism have increased.""
It's great to find other people who've figured this stuff out. At least in a hereditary government, the ruler is just the worst person in the royal family, and you can hope for a good ruler. In the US, our rulers are the worst people in the entire country, and there is no hope for good rulers. Obviously, that's an exaggeration. Reagan was a good person. Ron Paul is a good person. But those two examples highlight how bad everybody else is.

Fighting for capitalism against impostors like George Bush, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke.
"The role of government in a capitalist society is very simple: provide transparency and enforce fraud."
And enforce contracts - the rule of law. This essay reminds me of another reason we're better off with Obama in power than McCain. Like George Bush, McCain pretends to support free markets. People fall for that crap. Guys like Bush and McCain can destroy free markets all day long and the people let them because they pretend to support free markets.

But we know Obama doesn't support free markets. He's pretended to be a lot of things, including a supporter of free markets, but for some reason the American people always see through that claim of Democrats but never see through that claim of Republicans. So the people have united against Obama's destruction of economic freedom in a way they never did against Bush and would never have done if McCain had been elected.

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