Thursday, September 17, 2009

Free kibbles


Interesting quote from the Government Accountability Office:
"privatizing the government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could mitigate the systemic economic risk caused by the federal government's guarantees to the now-defunct mortgage giants, but that the benefits of privatization could be reversed by government efforts to insure private-sector mortgages."
Wow. Government isn't usually that honest, but Hell would freeze over before Obama would give up control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


Obama is ushering in a new golden age in government jobs.


Thomas Sowell continues his scathing attacks on Obama (he must be a racist too) by comparing Obama's health care plan to childhood fairy tale. Needless to say, the end is not good.


I want to thank this liberal and Jimmy Carter for explaining that I really like Obama's policies, I just oppose him because I'm a racist. I appreciate these liberals being so kind to tell me my own mind since I don't know it myself. I really wanted socialized medicine all my life. I really wanted tax and trade all my life. I really wanted Obama to take a trillion from Americans by force and hand it out to his leftist allies to buy votes. I really want government to solidify its monopoly on our schools. The only reason I object to those policies is Obama is black. I appreciate being educated on my positions and racist mentality. This is from Foxnews, btw.

House joins the Senate and cuts Federal funding to ACORN. Unfortunately this was a rider in a bill that give government a monopoly on student loans. Maybe because government monopolies have worked out so well for us so far.


Obama to change European missile defense policy, but to what? Why is it our responsibility to protect Europe from missiles anyway? If Europe wants to buy the technology, fine, but we shouldn't spend one dime on it. I never liked the idea of putting missile defense right next to Russia where it was easy for Russia steal it. This is more dissembling from Obama. He didn't change the plan. He canceled it. I think that's a good move, and he should have just said so. I think Bush pushed that base as a way to expand NATO to Russia's border, and that was dumb. I think Obama should have used it as a bargaining chip to get something from the Russians though.

Venezuela buying weapons. With the US building seven military bases in Columbia, what do you expect? The war on drugs is creating yet another conflict.


Despite Obama's lifelong ties to ACORN, despite all our money being funneled to ACORN by the Federal government, and despite all the video and talk about ACORN supporting child prostitution, Charlie Gibson is unaware of the story. That's why the mainstream media is dying. They've made themselves irrelevant. Liberal bias is a major reason. Liberal bias shows up in what is not covered even more than it shows up in what is covered.

Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny: a Conservative Manifesto has sold over 1 million copies, and it still hasn't been reviewed by the New York Times or Washington Post. I wonder why.


Nouveau poor being discriminated against by old poor.

Obama supports extending provisions of Patriot Act. I can understand roving wiretaps and monitoring solo terrorists, but poking into business records is baloney.

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