Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Free kibbles


George Will highlights how Barack Obama lowered himself to a rabble rouser in the health care debate. But that's always who Obama has been. A rabble-rousing thug, often called a community organizer. I don't know why Obama ever had any credibility, but he blew it by taking the lead on health care oppression. Will is right. Our government is a joke. A destructive, unfunny joke, but a joke nevertheless.

Chris Dodd refuses to allow fellow senators or the public to see his committee's health care bill. Obviously he doesn't want the details attacked in town halls. Don't you just love the transparency Democrats brought to with them to power?

Obama plans to address a joint session of Congress about health care oppression. This guy is the most grandstanding president I've ever heard of. Did even FDR grandstand this much? Jefferson refused to go to Congress and deliver the State of the Union because it makes the look like a monarch lording power over the parliament. That's exactly what Obama wants to look like. That's why it's a slick move. A lot of Americans will fall for it. Some congressmen may fall for it. But Obama can never use this scam again to his advantage.


The San Francisco Fed governor pretends the Fed is good at its job. Too funny.

Ron Paul's much anticipated book End the Fed is out.


57 percent of Americans and 70 percent of independents think we should replace every incumbent in Congress. Hell, yeah! But Boortz is exactly right:
"When we get closer to election time these people will start to modify their beliefs a bit. They'll think that every member of congress should be replaced except their own."
And so nothing will change. It's always the other guy's problem, never our own.

Obama administration changes rules on union finance reporting to allow unions to hide money from their members. That's like the way Democrats blocked regulation Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. First Democrats give our power to these organizations, then they enable rampant corruption.


Oversupply of opium is driving down prices, so Afghans are producing less. How ironic. The war on drugs is so worthless and counterproductive that producers only cut production because of oversupply.


Every human has 100 mutations in his his or her DNA. Wow.

I think it's obvious the rate of technological progress has slowed. The moon landing is still the greatest accomplishment of mankind. Computer technology hasn't changed significantly in over 15 years. The ever growing burden of government has led to stagnation and regression. When I was a kid, my elders used to say they were jealous because I was going to live in the greatest age ever. They were wrong. They lived in the greatest age ever. I live in the age of decline. People ask if America's best days are behind it. If we keep voting for the same old Republicans and Democrats, they are. If we keep voting for professional politicians, they are. We have the power to fix it by voting third party, but voters refuse to do it.

Pfizer pleads guilty to fraud and accepts $2.3 billion fine. Wow.

Freedom and the liberal.
"The latter-day "liberal" is actually the direct opposite of the true liberal as that term was originally understood. One of these self-styled modern liberals recently defined himself in the following language: "A liberal is one who believes in utilizing the full force of government for the advancement of social, political, and economic justice at the municipal, state, national, and international levels.""
It's not surprising that lovers of government, who lost the battle of ideas when freedom enabled the American people to build the greatest country in history, moved to America to take advantage of its greatness and stole the term liberal to try and win support for their disastrous and discredited policies.

Boortz brings up an old, never meaningfully reported story, recently revisited in Forbes, about how Ted Kennedy offered to work with Soviet Premier Andropov to set up a propaganda interview in order to oust Ronald Reagan.
"Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. "The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations," the memorandum stated. "These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."
When President Reagan chose to confront the Soviet Union, calling it the evil empire that it was, Sen. Edward Kennedy chose to offer aid and comfort to General Secretary Andropov."
Kennedy was a super-slime among slime. No wonder the leftists lionize him. Democrats obviously owned the mainstream media, which was the only media, back then too. What's really twisted is the Republicans and their accomplice press lionize Kennedy too, illustrating that Republicans are just as bad as Democrats and jealous they weren't as successful at sucking power and money from the people to themselves.

This guy learned the most important lesson from Obama: carry the fraud to the most extreme limit possible. So he's claiming to be Jesus's son. I hope Obama's true believers will be converted to follow this guy instead.

Government school indoctrinates 5th graders in bogus liberal political clap-trap. Man this stuff makes me mad. Kids deserve better.

I haven't noticed that compact fluorescents give off lousy light. In fact, I like they light from them better than some incandescents I've had that seem yellowish. But government should have no say in individual choices of light bulbs. Article claims compact fluorescents aren't as bright as incandescents. I haven't noticed that, but the incandescents I replaced them with have just burned out. Maybe they were dim right before.

Black congresswoman claims Republicans are spreading fear to make Barack Obama fail because he's black. Same congresswoman praises Fidel Castro and Cuba's health care system. What a useful idiot. This is an embarrassment to every American, let alone her constituents.

I really like what this article has to say about Obama's FEMA director, so it's a good bet Obama will fire him.
"“We need to change behavior in this country,” he told about 400 emergency-management instructors at a conference in June, lambasting the “government-centric” approach to disasters. He learned a perverse lesson in Florida: the more the federal government does in routine emergencies, the greater the odds of catastrophic failure in a big disaster.
To avoid “system collapse,” as he puts it, Fugate insists that the government must draft the public. “We tend to look at the public as a liability. [But] who is going to be the fastest responder when your house falls on your head? Your neighbor.”"
How in the world can Obama have declared 31 major disasters in his first 5 months? The only major disaster I can think of in that time was his inauguration.

How would government seizure of the internet make it more secure? Easy. Shut it down. No internet is a secure internet. Think about it. Right before an election, Obama will claim there's a cyber-security threat. He'll shut down the internet and cut off that medium of debate. He'll clean up the mess after he wins the next election. Shutting down specifically targeted sites would make it secure too. Especially those sites critical of Obama, Democrats and their policies. Just claim they're compromised. Dumb conservatives don't know how to secure their sites like smart liberals. Obama's entire political success is based on silencing the opposition. You'd have to be a moron not to see the real goals of this power grab.

Letters show that Lockerbie bomber was released as a quid pro quo for BP oil deal. You have to be kidding me. I hope the liberals jump down the throat of Gorden Brown like they did when they claimed Bush went to war in Iraq for oil.

Michael Barone wonders at the disconnect of well intentioned liberals and the union thugishness and corruption that liberalism breeds.

Minnesota is finally getting around to checking if taxpayer money is funding mosques at Islamic schools.

Cop makes protester hold down anti-Obama sign, threatens him with trespassing if he doesn't, and tells the protester "It ain't [America] no more." I'll say. This is what happens when you let police power go unchecked. If you let them stop you from taking pictures of bridges, if you let them force you to show ID when you're not committing a crime, the inevitable next step is they will force their political beliefs on you. It's kind of funny to see conservatives suddenly realize the consequences of giving police so much power. It's like that old saying, a liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet. A conservative is a libertarian who hasn't been threatened by the police yet.

Press blames the Federal government for not burning away brush in wildfire area outside LA. Why is this a Federal problem? More accurately, why is this my problem? And every other American's problem? This illustrates why it's stupid to surrender power to the Federal government. They don't care about fires in LA like the people in California and LA care about the fires in LA. The Federal government doesn't care about your retirement or your health care like you care about your retirement and your health care. The environmentalists don't care about fires in LA either.

Sending astronauts on a one-way mission to Mars is nothing like pilgrims colonizing the US. First of all, the US is on the same planet as Europe. It has the same atmosphere, basic temperature, water flow, etc. Colonists knew it had the same dirt and would grow the same plants, etc. Colonists expected to live long, healthy, better lives in America and provide better lives for their children. Second, the first explorers of America returned to Europe before colonists went to America. Pretending sending astronauts on a suicide mission to Mars is related to pilgrims colonizing America is an outright lie of ridiculous proportions. But that doesn't mean we should dismiss the idea. Scientists so focused on going to Mars they're willing to commit suicide to do it might be the best candidates to survive such a long space journey anyway.

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