Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free kibbles


Senate Democrats continue pushing their health care oppression bill.


China claims it will cut CO2. I think this is a political ploy to pressure the US into further harming our economy. Obama and his climate frauds and America haters are out in force for the UN global warming fraud meeting.


Obama delays request for more troops. He's playing politics with the lives of our troops, trying to deflect blame from himself. You know in six months, he'll say he didn't get the request until a month from now.


Honduras security forces besiege Brazilian embassy in hopes of forcing ousted president to surrender and stand trial. I think this leftist has gravely misjudged the fortitude of Honduran officials.


The new union bill includes provision for government to arbitrate disputes between employers and unions. I'm sure that'll be fair.

EU studying artificial intelligence projects to monitor web traffic and identify risks.

Soviet doomsday machine built to respond to a US first strike.

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