Saturday, September 05, 2009

Free kibbles


The New York Times is shocked that teen unemployment is at record levels and can't seem to figure out that the that's the inevitable consequences of raising the minimum wage. This will depress the earning ability of these teens for the rest of their lives.


Rep. Pete Stark claims the more debt the government has, the wealthier we are. Then the interview gets interesting.


The CBO reports the House health care oppression bill would raise Medicare premiums for prescription drugs by 20 percent.

The IRS would gain the most power from Democrats' health care oppression.
"In short, health care reform, as currently envisioned by Democratic leaders, would be built on the foundation of an expanded and more intrusive IRS.
Under the various proposals now on the table, the IRS would become the main agency for determining who has an "acceptable" health insurance plan; for finding and punishing those who don't have such a plan; for subsidizing individual health insurance costs through the issuance of a tax credits; and for enforcing the rules on those who attempt to opt out, abuse, or game the system. A substantial portion of H.R. 3200, the House health care bill, is devoted to amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 in order to give the IRS the authority to perform these new duties."
That should be enough to kill this bogus plan.


A couple of days ago I posted an article claiming that the arctic was warmer than at any time in the last 2,000 years. I pointed out that that conclusion contradicted observations from even the last three years. I predicted we'd quickly see articles refuting this claim. Here we go: article shows that that claim is based on cherry-picked science and doesn't reflect the whole body of evidence about arctic temperature history. Since the first article is based on data that is hidden from peer review, it can't be analyzed for accuracy, but an analysis of another set of arctic temperature data shows no rise in temperature as claimed in the article.

The planet cooled in August. With graph of global temperatures from 1979 to present that shows almost no warming over that period.

Jonah Goldberg has just discovered the link between sunspots and climate and the Maunder Minimum.

Scientists identify climate effects from sunspot activity that heat the planet. Study shows wobble in Earth's rotation causes and ends ice ages. Please don't wobble for a while.


Communist party ousts local chief over unrest. There's another reason China is on it's way to surpassing America: accountability. There's no accountability in US government. California Democrats bankrupt the state, and they keep their jobs. Barney Frank blocks legislation to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying they are financially sound, and he keeps his job. Chris Dodd protects Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, takes a sweetheart deal from Countrywide Mortgage, and he keeps his job. Ben Bernanke helps create the greatest economic crisis in the US since the Great Depression, and he gets a promotion. George Bush starts two wars, fights them horribly, almost loses both, and he gets re-elected (though voters did finally punish Republicans in 2006 and 2008). This lack of accountability is insane and is the direct result of American voters.

Michael Moore confuses capitalism with socialism. No doubt this is on purpose.

Boortz suggests we substitute the word 'employers' whenever liberals use the word 'rich'. Interesting.

The European Union is calling for salary caps on US executives. They should shut up and worry about destroying their own continent.

I don't want any president making speeches to school kids of any kind. Many are saying Obama's speech won't be political. What they really mean is it won't be liberal versus conservative. But it will indisputably be pro-government. The forced circumstances are pro-government. That's political. It's abhorrent to have a president force a pro-government message on captive school children. If this was voluntary, that would be fine, but these children are forced by law to be captives in government schools. Now they are being forced to subordinate themselves to the president lecturing to them from on high. I can't help but seeing a comparison to Moses giving a speech to captive school children. Do you think that speech would have been about being open-minded? Do think it would have been about learning to think for yourself? Do you think any president lording power of captive school children will be any different? The president is not supposed to have influence on our daily lives. Obama, and Bush before him, used force to inject themselves into school children's lives. That's unacceptable.

Democrats railed against Bush the Elder's speech to students in 1991. I can't blame them. I blame them for supporting Obama's speech now.

I just got back from this tea party. It was fun. There were petitions to limit government. Lots of politician wannabes were talking to people, but incumbents couldn't be bothered to mingle. They just parachuted in for speeches, as did John Kasich. It was a big crowd, somebody suggested 18 thousand, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the twenties. The Dayton Daily News said Turner was going to attend the event, but he's not listed on the program. I'll call his office Monday and see if he attended.

The problem is it looks like the Republican powers that be have taken over these events. I talked to one independent running for Ohio senator, but other than that, it was all Republicans who have been in Washington before. No libertarians. Putting those Republicans back in office won't change anything but the drapes.

Just what we need - a new, extreme leftist Antioch College. Like there isn't enough liberalism in universities already.

Study shows that men can lose their minds when talking to a really good looking woman. I thought it was just me. This is one of the reasons I support separating boys from girls in classrooms.

21 things you can't say to Obama on vacation.

13 observations in science that don't make sense with current theories. Several cast doubt on the constant velocity of light.

Evidence for magnetic monopoles.

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