Monday, August 24, 2009

Free kibbles

Obama seizes power over terrorist interrogations. Add Interrogator-in-Chief to his list of titles. Good thing he's a super smart superman. I wonder why he keeps expanding government. It seems to me he should just run it all from the White House and put every other Federal employee on welfare.

AG Holder directs prosecutor to investigate if CIA interrogations were legal. This is going to have a chilling effect on our intelligence capability because it has to seem like an attack on the CIA. That issue will consume the rest of Obama's term in office. It might boost his support with his base, but it will harm his support with the rest of the country.

What's wrong with CIA agents threatening the families of captured terrorists? If that's illegal, that's just stupid.
"Agents threatened to kill a key terror suspect's children and sexually assault another's mother, it is claimed."
Obviously harming the families should be illegal, but threatening should not be. When did the concerns about terrorist interrogations turn from torture to abuse? I don't think choking terrorists should be legal though. If a CIA interrogator broke the law, regardless of what some lawyer wrote, he or she should be prosecuted, but this sounds more like a witch hunt.

At a town hall meeting, retired Marine reminds Congressman Brian Baird, who recently compared town hall attendees to brown shirts, that it was the Nazis who seized control of the German finance industry, auto industry and health care industry, similar to what Democrats are doing to us today. This is an awesome video.

Here come the tax increases.

Trying to recover from the beating he took from his constituents, Arlen Specter calls for hearings on Obama's end of life counseling for veterans. This would be a great thing if it happened before any health care oppression bill was voted on.

Obama raises the 10 year budget deficit projection from $7 trillion to $9 trillion. I notice he didn't recommend $2 trillion in spending cuts to hold the line. What's $2 trillion more in debt between friends?

Foreign automakers are thanking Obama for seizing our money and shipping it to them through cash for clunkers.

How rotten a person do you have to be to holler "Heil Hitler" at a Jew? Or anybody else for that matter? If you think the Israeli health care system is similar to the Nazi health care system, make that point. Don't holler "Heil Hitler".

Democrats are figuring out the best option to force the health care bill down our throats despite our protests.

This is an awesome open letter from a doctor to Obama. Obama has really put his stupidity, or is it evil genius, on parade with these health care town halls. It sounds like this guy might work for an insurance company too, not that that effects any of his points.

I love that the CEO of Whole Foods, a liberal icon, presented an alternative to Obama's health care oppression.

I'm shocked, shocked to find out there's a double standard in media coverage of health care protesters and anti-war protesters.

Dayton schools are slightly above failing - getting a D grade from the state. Officials seem to be happy with this. How pathetic.

Only one crime was solved for every 1,000 CCT cameras in London, which has over a million cameras. There's nothing in London that I want to see bad enough to endure that.

In essay documenting the history of the welfare state, this guy stole my line about welfare being a spider's web. Fortunately, I updated my line months ago to "Welfare is both spider and spider's web, trapping Americans in dependency and poisoning their will to excel." I wasn't aware of this:
"The modern welfare state is often viewed as originating in Imperial Germany in the 1880s, when the Iron Chancellor, Prince Otto von Bismarck, established compulsory accident, sickness, and old-age insurance for workers. Bismarck was no altruist. He intended his social programs to divert workingmen from revolutionary socialism and to purchase their loyalty to the Kaiser's regime; to a large extent he seems to have achieved his objectives."
That was pretty slick. Like giving the revolutionaries heroin.
"If we cared nothing for our own freedom, we might be inclined to accept the ministrations of the welfare state with gratitude. But even then our contentment would be disturbed by the large extent to which the government fails to deliver what it promises. To be blunt, the government's protection is largely fraudulent.
Officials pretend to protect citizens and promote social harmony while actually accomplishing the opposite. Thus, the government's affirmative action programs have actually fostered racial acrimony and conflict rather than racial harmony.[25] The environmental laws have caused many billions of dollars to be squandered in mandated actions for which costs vastly exceeded benefits.[26] And the Food and Drug Administration, far from improving public health, has caused (at least) hundreds of thousands of excess deaths and untold human suffering.[27] It is bad enough that citizens are viewed as sheep; it is worse that they are sheared and slaughtered."

Cash for Codgers. Ouch!

Obama's pay czar thinks he has the power to retroactively seize the pay of some executives. Maybe he didn't read the section of the Constitution forbidding ex post facto laws.

Obama's Saul Alinsky techniques are failing him.
""Rule 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)""
That works on leaders, but when they turn it on the people, the people get angry.

At least somebody is questioning why the FCC needs an Orwellian-named Chief Diversity Officer.

Blogger shows that punishment for downloading music is worse than for many crimes including kidnapping a child, arson and second degree murder.

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