Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Bringing Cuban Health Care to America

Bringing Cuban Health Care to America

by Mark Luedtke 

For the life of me, I cannot understand the desire of  leftists to make America more like Cuba. When's the last time you said to yourself, “I wish America was more like Cuba.”? Never, I hope. But the leftists that are running Washington must love Cuba. Nor can I understand why well-intentioned liberals would jump on that bandwagon. 

Cuba's health care system, like all socialized medicine systems, is two-tiered. The party elite and obese, fraudulent documentarians have access to top quality care. The rest of Cubans can't obtain aspirin, alcohol and antibiotics. Cubans reportedly have to bring their own sheets and blankets to hospitals, and they often can't see a doctor because Cuban doctors are working for money in Venezuela. 

But liberals would tell us that Cuba isn't a good model. Britain and Canada are top models for socialized medicine. In Britain, roaches and bed bugs are common in hospitals, and to control costs many hospitals don't change their sheets between patients. Government forbids certain treatments to its citizens. Both Britain and Canada force citizens to wait months for life-saving treatments, and many patients die while waiting. The elderly are denied potential life-saving treatments to control costs and told they have a duty to die. Of course these conditions don't apply to aristocrats and rich foreigners who enjoy privileged care in their two-tiered systems.

Surely the efficient and effective US government would do a much better job than the British and Canadian governments, liberals would say. Go tell it to our veterans at Walter Reid Hospital, the premier VA facility in America, where veterans are neglected in disintegrating rooms they share with cockroaches. Experts estimate that one third of all Medicare and Medicaid payments are fraudulent. Our government can't even take care of the health care needs of our nation's heroes or effectively administer relatively small programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Thinking it would do better administering the health care of every American is insane.

Liberals would claim I'm knocking down a straw man. Democrats and President Obama aren't pushing socialized medicine. They just want to improve our private sector health care. Anybody making that claim is either lying or willfully blind. Sure, leftists learned their lesson when Hillary Clinton took Bill Clinton's radical presidency down in flames with Hillarycare. They learned to disguise their socialized medicine dreams behind a fascist (fascism is when government controls the means of production, but the production is still privately owned) takeover of our health care system.

Obama's public option is the Trojan horse for transforming this system into full blown socialized medicine down the road. President Obama claims the public option will introduce competition into the system, but we already have 1,300 health insurance providers in America. Adding one more would make no difference in competition, and government can't compete honestly with the private sector because government gets its money by force, not by offering a quality product people voluntarily pay for. As Obama promises, the public option is designed to use subsidies to undercut the prices of insurance providers. Experts predict that approximately 118.5 million people will be seduced from private insurance companies onto the public option. Further, the proposed House bill would ban insurance companies from writing any new health insurance policies, instantly destroying the market for private health care and ushering in socialized medicine. 

The House bill also has rationing based on political concerns and “die with dignity” requirements for the elderly. Obama intends to force us to pay more for worse care. This isn't health care reform. It's health care oppression. 

But fortunately for us, the American people have had it up to their eyeballs with Obama's tax and spend policies and the record debt he's burying us under. The primary obstacle to passing Obama's health care plan is now Democrats, and not just blue dog Democrats, but mainstream Democrats as well. They fear losing their jobs over this health care oppression plan, and for good reason. 

Obama is on course to amass more debt in the next 10 years than all other presidents combined. It's easy to think that Obama forgot that he was rewarded by voter anger at Bush and Republicans for their massive spending, debt and interventions in our economy. But candidate Obama repeatedly attacked Bush on the deficit, however President Obama is like Bush on super-steroids when it comes to spending, debt and intervention.

The people have seen through Obama's claims that the Federal government must spend more money to cut deficits. You don't have to be Jacques Cousteau to understand that putting more holes in the boat won't stop it from sinking. The key to stopping runaway Federal debt is to cut spending, not increase it. Obama burned the American people with his $787 billion "emergency" stimulus boondoggle, and the subsequent deficits have boomeranged to threaten his health care agenda.

Obama understands the people are angry about spending, so he's hiding the costs of his plan. The Congressional Budget Office scored the original plan at $1.6 trillion over 10 years including a massive expansion of Federal debt. Knowing Americans would never stand for that, Obama's allies pushed $500 billion in costs onto the states, health insurance companies and health care providers to hide it. The total cost is still the same, but the Federal cost is now just over $1 trillion, which Obama hopes will fool Americans into allowing it to pass. And like all government plans, if implemented, it will be significantly more expensive than these estimates. 

But the American people aren't the fools Obama believes, and state governors are fighting back against unfunded mandates. Obama staked his presidency on this health care non-reform, and it looks like his radical presidency is in danger if he loses on this issue. Even his mainstream media cheerleaders are turning on him. Americans need real health care reform – freedom from the government subsidies, mandates and restrictions that make care more expensive and lower quality than it otherwise would be – not Obama's health care oppression.


Cato exposes the massive corruption, theft and fraud that accompanies all government programs including any future proposed programs like Obama's health care oppression plan. 

The Congressional Budget Office reports the obvious - Obama's health care oppression plan, in all its variations, would increase the cost of health care, not decrease it. Duh. Whenever government gets involved in the economy, prices go up. It's universal. It can't be any other way. House health care oppression bill outlaws individuals buying private health insurance. That's because government wants to seize our entire health care and health insurance business by putting private insurance companies out of business. These plans are all Trojan horses for socialized medicine. This is a scam second only to the man-made global warming fraud. Cato says this health care plan will make us pay more for worse care. Cato explains that the new bureaucracies will make it harder to see your doctor. Cato explains that to control costs, we need to move from an employer based health care model to an individual based health care model, which is just the opposite of what Democrats want. Democrats want to use health care to control and harm businesses and they want to keep individuals powerless.  

While calling for individuals to control their health care dollars in order to control costs, reduce waste and improve quality of care, Cato exposes government and corruption in our health care system again:

"Experts suggest that one-third of U.S. health care spending, or about 6% of GDP, is pure waste. The reason is simple: Government controls half of our nation's health care dollars, and lets employers control an additional quarter. And nobody spends other people's money as carefully as they spend their own."

If we take back our power and money to make health care decisions for ourselves, we'll drive down health care and health insurance costs plus Americans will get significantly healthier.

Analysis explains how government health insurance will put private health insurance companies out of business, which is exactly what Obama intends.

Cuban Health Care. NHS doesn't change sheets. Walter Reid scandal
Obama is on course to
double our national debt from the last 233 years in 10 years. 
Cato explains that Obama's public health care option
harms competition and choice. Expert predicts public plan would seduce roughly 118.5 million people off of private insurance onto the public plan. The US has 1,300 insurance companies.

Victor Davis Hanson explains that never in US history have we simultaneously experienced such massive tax hikes and massive deficit growth (from massive spending increases). Meanwhile, in his private room in the White House, Pharaoh Obama does his impersonation of Dr. Evil's laugh because his plans to collapse our economy are working tremendously.

Voters don't like deficits or debt.

Governors have noticed the hundreds of billions in health care oppression costs that Democrats have pushed to the states to hide them from the people in order to get the price tag near $1 trillion, and they're not happy about the unfunded mandates.

Obama's allies pushing $155 billion in costs onto hospitals to fool taxpayers.

I just watched a few minutes of Chris Mathews on MSNBC, the guy who gets tingles up his leg when he listens to Obama, and they think Obama failed to make his case tonight. That's great news. If the cheerleaders at MSNBC aren't excited about Obama's speech, nobody else will be either. Howard Fineman, another Obama cheerleader from MSNBC and Newsweek, calls the speech "lackluster". In fact, Fineman blast Obama pretty good in this essay:
"His prime time press conference was worse than a waste of time. He spent an hour (with the aide of a soporific White House press corps) pouring sand (one grain at a time) into the already-slowing gears of the machinery of health-care reform."
On the same subject, the New York Times is running article with the headline "Experts Dispute Some Points In Health Care Talk". That's amazing critical from the New York Times.

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