Friday, August 21, 2009

Free kibbles

What does competition for free books mean?

Author advocates slavery, forcing doctors to work for free, to "fix" health care.

Ex-Soviet official describes the horrors of universal care in the Soviet Union. It'll be the same anywhere. The problem is the system, not the people implementing it.
"To improve the statistics concerning the numbers of people dying within the system, patients were routinely shoved out the door before taking their last breath."
At least in Oregon they offer euthenasia when the death panel denies care. That's our future if Democrats get their way. We know how it will work. The local death panel will deny care, but there'll be an appeals process. You can argue to the appellate death panel that your life is worth the cost of the treatment that might save it. Maybe the gods of death will rule in your favor. Almost certainly they won't. Then you can appeal to the supreme death panel, if you live that long. Then you'll be denied again for the good of society. Needless to say, the aristocrats won't have to go through this process. They'll just get whatever treatment they want.

Because of Obama's views about government making decisions on end of life, Obama is the first president to ever scare Cato scholar. He should be scared.

I don't think anarchy can exist either. It's kind of like a dream of a communist utopia, where everybody just gets along and society spontaneously orders itself. Of course we know that communist utopia is a fraud. It can never exist, and any attempts to implement it beyond a handful of people ends up implementing complete tyranny. In the anarchist case, any attempt to implement anarchy is bound to degrade into defacto government by warlords. At least the warlords will be competing, which makes it preferable to the the total state, but there are certainly better models for government than warlords. It's fine and dandy to espouse a philosophy rejecting all force, but it's a fantasy.

Bernanke has succeeded at re-inflating our bubble economy. He claims this is a good thing. Thanks to Bernanke's comments about re-inflating the bubble, stocks hit new high for 2009. Too bad you can never know when the next crash is going to hit. It would be great to ride the bubble up, then right before the crash, switch into gold. I still think the key is watching the CPI. Bernanke is going to keep inflating that bubble to appease his political masters - he wants to be re-appointed to his job - and they'll be happy until the CPI starts rising.

These highway checkpoints are illegal. That's another case the Supreme Court blew.

Mexico eases laws on small amounts of drugs, but what do they think this will do? The demand will still exist. The supply will still illegally rise to meet the demand.

Why are so many items I post in this blog disappearing? I'm beginning to think somebody is editing my blog. Or maybe the search function is broken. For example, a week ago I posted"
Obama appoints Democrat activist focused on censoring talk radio as "Chief Diversity Officer" of the FCC. Don't bend over to pick up the soap."
Today a search doesn't show that item. That's been happening to me on a daily basis.

Study shows it's easy to engineer DNA evidence. We are so screwed. Right now DNA is considered a magic bullet. Unassailable evidence.
""You can just engineer a crime scene,” said Dan Frumkin, lead author of the paper, which has been published online by the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics. “Any biology undergraduate could perform this.""
It will take decades to change the social inertia to stop depending on DNA.

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