Sunday, August 09, 2009

Free kibbles

A couple of days ago I predicted Obama's media allies would accuse health care protesters of being racists. Sure enough, Paul Krugman has done just that. That didn't take long. When Obama was inaugurated, I wrote Freedom to Criticize, hoping that Americans would be free to criticize Obama without liberals calling them racists. So much for that. I also feared what would happen if liberals behaved like normal. Now we have union thugs beating up health care protesters. I wish I had been wrong.

Obama's approval ratings are lower than 10 of the last 12 presidents at this point. I tried to convince Boortz just how dishonest and dangerously radical Obama was a year ago, and he didn't believe me. He believes me now.

Pakistan reports that a gun battle broke out at a Taliban meeting to determine who will secede the recently killed leader. Taliban denies and claims leader is still alive.

Man, this is a awesome video of an AARP town hall meeting for a bunch of senior citizens. The AARP people start right off trying to bulldoze over the citizens, and the citizens will have none of it. They disagree. They ask questions. They will not fall for the bull the speakers are trying to feed them. So the AARP people leave. At the beginning of the meeting, the AARP woman said she wanted to listen, but she didn't want to listen at all. She and her partner just left. Typical liberals pay lip service to freedom of speech, but they only mean speech they agree with. But the meeting continued. The people continued discussing the assault on freedom masquerading as a health care bill. The contrast between the snotty, elitist presenters and the polite but determined, down to earth citizens couldn't be more stark. These are the kind of citizens Obama has sicced his labor union attack dogs on.

Hitler rants about Obama. OMG, this is funny. Whoever did this has balls the size of bowling balls. Liberals are going to be so pissed.

Obama and Democrats are up against a health care wall. 68 percent of voters like their health care. That's more bad news, and they know it. That's why they desperately called out the union goon squad. Showing more desperation, Obama claims he isn't collecting names of people who disagree on health care. That defies credibility. Why else would he have asked for them?

Doctor explains that Obamacare would require rationing. We already knew that.

Russian's snub Obama handshake. That sucks. The press keeps telling us Obama has improved relations all around the world. Obviously that's not true, just like you wouldn't expect it to be true. I keep saying foreign policy depends on domestic policy. The harm Obama is doing to us at home is also harming abroad. As is Obama's attacks on America everywhere he goes.

Obama's rhetoric on health care is the opposite of the words used in the bill. I would have never guessed.

Washington Post reporter thinks Bush' joker poster was good political satire but Obama's joker poster is racist, but he doesn't think he's biased. It's kind of funny to read his rationalization.

John McCain agrees that Bill Clinton's mission to NK sets a bad precedent. No kidding. Obama gave in to diplomatic blackmail. NK wins again. Every time NK does something dangerous we reward it. And then we wonder why it continues doing dangerous things. Of course, it just goes to show that Bill Clinton has always been a tool.

34 million Americans are on food stamps. That's government created national disgrace.

Fannie Mae wants another $10 billion handout. I'm glad Barney Frank made it clear that Fannie Mae was no risk to taxpayers and didn't need more regulation as a government sponsored entity. I want a $10 billion handout. I think I could live on that.

Republic of Kenya birth certificate generator. That's funny.

Documentation of all the phone calls between Sec. Paulson and Goldman Sachs during the bailout frenzy. Paulson probably didn't have that many conversations with people at Goldman while he worked there. Goldman's investment in government (from Goldman's point of view) earned tremendous returns.

Boy does this first chart blow the claim that the reason the Fed exists is to control price inflation out of the water. Look at that jump after we went off the gold standard in 1971 (I think).

I'm still skeptical of the claim that three Americans were just innocently hiking along the Kurdish-Iranian border and happened to stray into lawless Iranian lands, though some people really are that stupid. Apparently the Iranian government is skeptical too.

It's none of the FCC's business if Apple rejects Google Voice.

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