Friday, May 22, 2009

Free kibbles

The dollar continues to fall. You might have noticed the recent jump prices at the pump, just like happened right before our economy went into free fall. The same cycle is going to repeat. Obama wants the dollar to collapse so that fuel prices will go over $4 so Americans will buy the crappy, tiny cars he's ordered GM and Chyrsler to build. The only problem is, when fuel hits $4, the economy goes into free fall, and people stop buying everything.

The US is in danger of losing its AAA credit rating. I don't know how we've kept it this long. Do you see any sign that our aristocrats intend to pay off our debt? Lord Geithner promises budget cuts. Dictator wannabe that he is, maybe he forgot that Congress has the power of the purse, not the executive. But what's a piece of paper to Pharaoh Obama and Lord Geithner? Maybe they should have thought about cutting the deficit and debt before they added a trillion to the deficit and multiple trillions to the debt.

How Sri Lanke won the war against the Tamil Tigers - by fighting it to win. There's nothing magic about winning. If you have superior firepower and manpower, you make the commitment to it and do it. All this talk that you can't beat a rebel force or an insurgency or terrorists with a purely military solution is bunk. Obviously the US couldn't do that in Iraq or Afghanistan because of the size of the population and the land, but Israel could definitely defeat Hamas and Hezbollah if it would dedicate itself to victory. And to have peace in the middle east, Hamas and Hezbollah must either put down their arms or be defeated.

The Onion parodies how Ben Bernanke plans to fight inflation.

The Heritage Foundation supplies facts about how unions affect the companies they control.

18 year old girl who auctioned off her virginity so she could pay for college will have to pay at least half of her earnings in taxes. She may have just learned the first lesson that will launch her on her way to being a government slave.

President Obama is such a dolt, he's making Dick Cheney look good. That shows you just how bad Democrats are, and Obama is worse than the generic Democrat. Text of Cheney's speech on Guantanamo and harsh interrogation techniques. Defeating these terrible Democrats is just that easy - take them on head on on every issue with clarity and intelligence. The American people do not want Democrat ideas once they understand them. Don't let Democrats continue to obfuscate what they stand for. Because Obama won't release the secret memos showing the results of the harsh interrogations, he's making Cheney look right. I'm not surprised both Obama and Cheney exaggerated their positions for political gain. That's how the petty power struggle that we're all pawns in between the 2 parties works. House Democrats voted down a Republican attempt to investigate Nancy Pelosi over her claims about CIA briefings. This is a good thing for Republicans. It makes Democrats look like they're hiding something and it takes away their impetus to investigate the Bush administration.

Cato explains that Obama's terror policy is substantially the same as Bush's. But the differences matter. Ending harsh interrogation techniques, if he really follows through on that - he certainly left the door open to doing otherwise, means we will get less intelligence from high level detainees in the future, and that would endanger Americans. Shutting down Guantanamo and giving terrorists lawyers, while not a security risk, is a serious political risk that would make it harder to win future wars.

Charles Krauthammer agrees with Cato: "Within 125 days, Obama has adopted with only minor modifications huge swaths of the entire, allegedly lawless Bush program."

Obama plans to put some Guantanamo detainees in Federal prison even though Harry Reid says he doesn't want any Guantanamo detainees in the US. Any detainee who ends up in Federal prison has a significant chance of being released by the courts. Obama doesn't care, and his irresponsibility created this schizm, but Congress does. This is a self-inflicted wound thanks to Obama.

Staring down the barrel of Obama's gun, GM reaches deal with UAW, but it's unlikely bondholders will agree. Good. A reminder that Obama is following Britain's lead which led to the destruction of the British auto industry. Obama is a master at repeating the disasters of the past and convincing ignorant people that it's something new. Obama's Chyrsler deal rips off taxpayers and retirees in favor of the UAW.

Mises scholar explains that Obama's control of the auto industry is classic fascism. Republicans would be smart to point that out. Make Obama deny it. Let's have that debate.

Randy Barnett's bill of Federalism and Mises scholar's counterproposal.

Now that Bush and Republicans have alienated most of the country and Obama and Democrats are doing the same, the Pew research center reports that independent voters are on the rise. I bet nearly all of them still end up voting for or a Republican or a Democrat slightly lesser of two great evils.

145 percent tax increase on beer? Get the pitchforks and torches.

Lawmakers have no business being involved in Chrysler dealerships or any other business.

The wussification of the world continues as male genes die out.

Japanese women have the longest life expectancy.

Of course torture is incompatible with our values. That's why the US does not condone torture. The harsh interrogation techniques approved by the Bush administration aren't torture (though I disagree with them about sleep deprivation - that really is harmful - I can understand how reasonable people might disagree.) I had no idea that we held 425,000 prisoners of war in the US in WWII. Wow. How times have change. Now radical liberals scream bloody murder because we hold a few hundredin Guantanamo. Amazing. The radical liberal movement in the US has become outrageously destructive to the US. Just ask California.

Cato explains how Congress' attack on credit for the poor will force them into worse credit solutions, and says restricting credit in the middle of a recession is stoopid.

Cato reports that Obamacare is an equal opportunity offender: it harms taxpayers, health are providers and patients. That's par for the course for Obama. He's trying to harm Americans, and he's succeeding grandly. Cato goes on to explain that Obama's plan is designed to fail (naturally he'll blame the non-existent free market) so that he and Democrats can force full socialized medicine down our throats.

Scientists convert plants directly to fuel and plastics. It's nice not to have to wait the millions of years to turn plants into oil first. Make it cheap, and you got something.

If this report is true, killing people waving white flags should not be tolerated.

Letter from a small business owner of a Dodge dealer targeted for termination by Pharaoh Obama.

Obama's mileage standards may kill Americans at a faster rate than the Iraq war. Environmentalists will be pleased. They hate humans. Cato calls the dictates all cost and no benefit. Reason piles on. Obama loves the 2 party system so much, he's going to force a 2 car system on us too.

Obama rejects freedom in the form of allowing parents to chose what school to send their kids to. And in pretty much every other way too.

I have no sympathy for the political hacks who unknowingly voted to override Louisiana Gov. Jindal's refusal of stimulus funds.

Shocking study from Australia shows that obesity in the US is the sole result of overeating. I would say, duh, but we're read so much baloney blaming everything but the obese themselves for overeating, I'm glad to see this.

Man, oh man. These cover sheets that Rumsfeld prepared for briefings for Bush use religious references as a tool in an obvious attempt to use religious dogma to influence the reader regarding the Iraq war. This is sick. I don't know if this was cynical manipulation on the part of Rumsfeld or if he really thought of himself as a modern crusader, but either way, it's sickening.

Profile of former Democrat Charles Krauthammer. He's a great analyst, but his policy proscriptions tend to be standard moderate Democrat. He's no supporter of limited government.

Fed Politburo member warns against growing inflation.

Oh, I feel so sorry for the poor little British aristocrats busted for abusing their expense accounts. They're being driven to the verge of suicide. Naturally they blame the newspaper. Doesn't that newspaper know it's only supposed to print flattering, supporting information about aristocrats?

Obama produces his own news piece. Reporters are not happy. Reporters think they have some special right to be a part of government. They think of themselves as partners, to the detriment of us all.

Reason explains that Federal control of abortion law leads to acrimony. Government is inherently divisive and therefore damaging. Any law divides people who are for it from people who are against it.

Reason says China's version of socialism looks a lot like capitalism.
But in 1979, the government decided to try a different approach: creating special zones where normal markets would be permitted to operate. They called it "socialism with Chinese characteristics," but it looked an awful lot like capitalism. The one in Pudong was created in 1990.
The World Bank says that in 1981, 65 percent of Chinese were poor. Today the figure is 4 percent.
In less than 30 years, China's economic miracle has raised half a billion people—one out of every 10 people on the planet—out of poverty. Nothing in human history comes close to that achievement.
This year, like every other country, China is feeling the effects of the global recession. So its economy will probably expand by only 6 or 7 percent this year—which would represent eye-popping growth almost anywhere else.
Free markets free people from poverty. Government traps people in poverty. Maybe the US should follow China's lead and adopt free markets. It's a sad indictment of the American voter and the 2 parties they empower that China's oppressive government allows greater economic freedom in its free market zones than the US allows anywhere.

Economic analysis of pirates.

Single motherhood is on the rise again.

Obama signs law reducing credit to poor people and raising prices on everybody else. Dick Morris calls for government to further regulate credit card companies. He should be calling for lowering the boundaries to entry into the market so competition can work its magic.

I like the idea of having all primaries held on the same day. I also like the idea of having all primaries open to all voters. This idea that extremists from both parties pick the candidates based on what the candidates say to them personally while shaking their hands is abjectly stupid. These changes reduce the inordinate power of extremists on both sides who feel that government is suppose to pander to them personally in favor of normal people.

The US and Canada should work together to stop terrorists from getting into North America instead of trying to defend the vast border between them.

Millionaires auctioning off their bubble fueled excesses.

Yet another pampered celebrity has himself waterboarded. If you're a celebrity or journalist, and you haven't had yourself waterboarded, you're a poser. All the cool kids are doing it. Of course the pampered celebrity changed his mind and declared waterboarding is torture because his body thought it was drowning for 6 seconds. This is the forth video I've watched of somebody being waterboarded, and it's obviously not torture in all of them. Like all the others, this guy jumps up perfectly fine, no worse for wear.

I bet this WD-40 social network works out great for handimen.

US Embassy in Baghdad hosts gay pride theme party. What are these people thinking?

Pakistan claims it has the Taliban on the run, lending a lot of credence to the theory that we should just leave well enough alone.

Not only is this Army Specialist wearing pink boxers, they say "I Love NY". Take that, terrorists.

What in the world makes a good looking 37 year old married with 3 children math teacher who doubles as a Christian singer seduce her 17 year old students? It takes all kinds. That kid who had sex with her is going to frame this story and show it off to his buddies until the day he dies.

Florida man spent 4 years in jail because of junk in his yard. That's insane. It's hard to recognize this country any more.

FTC shuts down robocalling extended warranty scam. I received that call probably 5 different times, so good riddance.

We should all be very afraid of Obama. On the one hand, he's talking about imprisoning terrorists forever without trial. On the other hand, his homeland security department is labeling any opponent of Obama as a potential terrorist. This is a dangerous combination for Americans. We can never allow indefinite detention without some sort of trial.

Prisons are sources of recruitment for Islamic terrorists. Let's bring the Guantanamo detainees to US prisons to recruit some more.

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