Sunday, May 03, 2009

Free kibbles

Turing the phrase "trickle down" on the statists. I didn't know Will Rogers used the phrase trickle down to ridicule the New Deal philosophy that if we give our money and power to government it will trickle down to the needy. All wealth in the private sector, whether owned by rich, middle class or poor people, works for everybody. All wealth confiscated by government works for aristocrats, bureaucrats and nobody else.

Global temperature changes caused by postage stamp rate increases. This graph really blows the man-made global warming fraud out of the water.
Barbara Boxer, majority Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, immediately set up an inquiry, announcing that all future changes in price for US post must be approved by the EPA. “We’ll need a full environmental impact statement. We can’t just let global damage be done willy nilly on the basis of some arbitrary postal expenses committee’s need to balance the books. No other government service has to balance their budget, why should US Post?"

President Obama immediately convened a task force at the Federal Reserve to loan $450 billion to US Post to keep prices constant until 3400 A.D..

Tuvalu promptly announced they would cut their postal charges in half ‘just in case’. They are asking for donations in order to keep their postal service running, but are considering shifting to carrier pigeons.

How funny.

Glaciers grow and shrink based on local climate changes. Great lake levels are back to normal after lowering because of ice dams. New York Times corrects story about industry intentionally clouding global warming debate. Ice loss in Greenland is minuscule. More fraudulent climate science. Al Gore's carbon footprint is more than 20 times the national average. Obama's $900 billion cap and trade tax. Global warming doesn't effect hurricanes. CO2 was 16 times higher in the past.

Poor Arlen Specter is unhappy that Republicans work with Club for Growth, an organization that supports limited government, fiscal responsibility and low taxes, and he uses that as an example of the principle of why he left the Republican party. Obviously that principle is that Arlen Specter does not support limited government, fiscal responsibility and low taxes. He also laments that the party of Reagan is gone. Hey Arlen - Reaganism is limited government, fiscal responsibility and low taxes. You are significantly responsible for its destruction. By implication, he's saying his constituents don't support limited government, fiscal responsibility and low taxes. Baloney. Arlen Specter has never given his constituents that choice because he's more interested in his own power than what's good for the people. Trying to blame the Club for Growth for his poor decisions such as supporting Obama's stimulus boondoggle is just another example of how slimy this guy is.

Revisiting excellent March 2008 presentation about solar cycle 24, predicting it to be effectively a no show and a harbinger of a harsh cold climate period similar to the one accompanying the Dalton Minimum or worse, the Maundar Minimum. He argues that increased CO2 is wholly beneficial - absolutely no down side - since because of it's properties as a green house gas, it can never lead to significant heating of the planet. Solar cycle 23 sun spot shows that cycle 24 is still a no show as this guy predicted.

Why is it so hard to fire teachers? Because they're government employees.

Analysis suggests a tsunami hit the New York City area 2,300 years ago.

Victor Davis Hansen exposes Obama's agenda as nothing but the often tried and failed philosophy of equality of result that inevitably leads to class warfare and failure.

George Will highlights the terrible consequences of unchecked liberalism seen in California.
California's increasingly severe and largely self-inflicted economic crisis will deepen on May 19 if, as is probable and desirable, voters reject most of the ballot measures that were drafted as part of a "solution" to the state's budget deficit. They would make matters worse. National economic revival is being impeded because one-eighth of the nation's population lives in a state that is driving itself into permanent stagnation. California's perennial boast -- that it is the incubator of America's future -- now has an increasingly dark urgency.

I'm telling you, brain dead Republicans plan to nominate Jeb Bush in 2012. And conservatives will vote for him despite claiming to support limited government. We're going to see Obama/Bush in 2012 for a 4th Bush/Obama government uber alles administration.

Brit corrects Obama for his incorrect claim that Britain did not torture Nazis. I still don't think there's anything to gain policy-wise from this, but put it down as another false statement Obama says to make himself look good.

Liberal golden boy, philanderer and liar John Edwards, the man the mainstream media refused to print a bad article about, now under investigation for misusing campaign funds. He earned it.

Ron Paul says the swine flu threat is grossly exaggerated. I love this guy's honesty.

If France is boarding and detaining Somali pirates, how come everybody else isn't? So much for the "international law is unclear about pirates" theory. I still think sinking them with deck guns mounted on merchant ships is a better idea.

Chinese gangs are killing elderly people and selling the bodies to families to substitute for mandatory cremation because the families are superstitious about cremating their own dead family members.

It turns out Obama's car czar, the man who is deciding Chrysler's fate, is a fortune in debt to Chrysler. Don't you just love the rampant corruption?

To gain power government must sow fear, and the CDC is doing a great job of it with the swine flu. This documents the role of governments and WWI in spreading the 1918 flu.

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