Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Free kibbles

3 car bombs kill dozens in Iraq. I think Michael Yon has it right. Bush and Congress should find a way to help keep surging in Iraq until we wipe these killers out and oust the Iranians.

Poland remembers the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

Ohio considers allowing concealed carry on campus.  About time. The right to bear arms on campus should never have been infringed in the first place.

1 year after declaring bankruptcy, Delta to buy Northwest airlines.

Thousands of retail stores to declare bankruptcy.  Maybe next year they'll buy a airline.

Oil at record near $114.  The UN is pushing for the US to end ethanol subsidies.  It's very rare for the UN to be right on an issue, but they're right on this one.

People keep talking about solar thermal power, but we still don't have it.  If it really is cheaper, we'd be building plants all over the place.

I'm all for improving farming efficiency, but farming efficiency is not suddenly causing rising food prices - government subsidies for ethanol and trade restrictions are.

China learned a hard lesson about being in the world spotlight.

Another school bans tag.

Reason explains how Byrne grants incentivize law enforcement to focus on arresting non-violent criminals and lead to abuses of innocent people.

John McCain call for gasoline tax holiday over summer. This will be very popular and really steal thunder from Democrats.  He should make it permanent and cut spending accordingly.  Cato agrees with me.

Reason hasn't forgotten Ron Paul.

Cato says McCain has a better record on free trade and reducing subsidies than Clinton or Obama.

Russian ambassador to NATO says Putin will remain in charge of Russia.

Obama busted for taking money from pharmaceutical and oil executives after claiming he didn't.

Tin-plated bureaucrat refuses to provide legal documents for Baltimore Mayor to take office.

Big government always causes more problems that politicians think more big government must solve.  Socialism, since it always fails, begets more socialism.  Bush wants to distribute more of America's wealth around the world to fight rising food prices. He should just end the ethanol subsidies that are driving up food prices.

It's hard to keep up with all these different organizations devoted to the North American Union: Security and Prosperity Partnership, Council on Foreign Relations, Center for Strategic & International Studies.

Taxpayers pay for liver transplant for illegal aliens.  I hope no American citizens died for lack of a liver transplant.

Florida lawmaker wants to sell off Florida's treasure to boost the budget. Hey, buddy. Cut spending.

No good deed goes unpunished by government.  Scottsman creating 50,000 nature preserve gets swamped in EU red tape.

Mad Magazine fold-ins.

Thomas Sowell says Obama is a charming, charismatic, radical, dangerous leftist who is a living lie. Boortz identifies the Marxist undertones in Obama's comments as well. George Will provides an informative analysis of Obama's bitter remarks and popularity with liberal elites in the context of the new liberal's condescension toward the average American they pretend to support.  Some liberals recognize the problem of having their movement dominated by the 
condescending elites. Pat Buchanan says Obama is emblematic of the divide
in America
- between liberal elites (government aristocrats really) and the rest of us.  Rich Lowry recognizes Obama's bitter comments as a standard tenant of socialism championed by Karl Marx. Obama's hope is that all Americans will suddenly shake off their primitive notions about freedom and individual responsibility and embrace his version of Marxism.  Only after we blossom into Marxists can he and his wife and his pastor be proud of America.

Lawrence Kudlow examines the financial costs and benefits the war in Iraq, exploding the Democrats' attempts to blame our current credit crisis on the war.  This country needs an honest debate on the costs and benefits, and we sure aren't going to get one from our politicians or the accomplice press.  Good for Kudlow to make an effort.

The WSJ calls Congress the tax loophole factory.  That's only one aspect of the corruption factory.  Adopt the FairTax.

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