If you really want to fix the dollar, adopt the FairTax.
A Chinese internet company who donated to the Clinton Foundation supports web censorship. If it didn't, China would shut it down. I'm more concerned this organization is associated with Chinese Intelligence, who have been major donors to the Clintons, the Clintons have rewarded China well with US technology, cover for Chinese spies, and access to the president.
The headline "White Women Turn From Clinton" explains all that is wrong with the Democrats. All they care about is race, gender, and class. There are no ideas here. There is no respect for individuals.
The Clintons are telling anybody who will listen that Obama would get crushed in Nov. I doubt they are telling anybody that Hillary would get crushed as well. If you've ever doubted that our political system rewards the worst potential leaders in America, you only have to look at this election. Or the 1 before it. Or the 1 before that. Or the 1 before that. Or... McCain-Feingold has ruined the chances of a real leader to rise to the top. It's destoyed any hope for insurgencies like the Reagan Revolution. And that was its intent by restricting free speech.
Obama's bitter remarks put a smile on the face of the most bitter woman in America. Photo from Drudge.

After Obama's bitter comment about religion and guns, Clinton has been selling herself as a supporter of religion and guns. But now she says it isn't relevent when she last fired a gun or went to church. Only Democrats could support either of these 2 fruitcakes.
Former AG Gonzales can't find a job. That's what he gets for parading his incompetence before the entire country.
Somebody spiked pregnant girl's drink with cow abortion pill. How sick is this? The list of possible suspects should be small.
Victor Davis Hanson points out the Orwellian nature of Obama's clarification of his bitter remarks.
George Will thinks the economic crisis is overblown in an election year. I agree, but that won't be the case when the entitlement crisis hits.
Bush steps up rhetoric against Iran.
The Pentagon is debating whether to adapt the military to counterinsurgency-type conflicts or traditional large-nation conventional warfare.
What an incredibly stupid way to open an article questioning Milton Friedman and free markets. We don't have free markets. The Clintons and Obama forced lenders to make subprime loans. Bush has doubled the burden of government since he took office. Our problem is government is taking away our freedom at an unprecedented rate, and this idiot is trying to blame freedom.
What else should we expect from the NYTimes. Free markets are freedom. The problem with our economy is Bush and Republicans completely disregarded Friedman and free markets as soon as they got in power. How's that working out for us?
Mark Steyn lambasts "school officials" who label preschoolers sex offenders.
Michael Barone explains the generation gap problem with voters who haven't learned the evils of government yet. They're actually starting to see them right now, but Democrats have done a good job of promoting the big lie that free markets led to our problems, when it was actually government.
Government threatens to make airline travel worse by getting more involved in the airline industry.
Author welcomes the left's sudden concern for tyranny of China, but notes that authoritarianism in the form of the Chinese communist government is surpassing freedom embodied in the west. Good analysis. And the reason for that is growing authoritarianism(socialism is authoritarianism) in the west. In order to match the production of China's population, we need to adopt the FairTax and cut the size and scope of government in half to insure neither China nor any other entity will surpass the United States in the 21st century.
As befits the 3rd leg, along with Republicans and Democrats, of government, the media has opened a new museum between the White House and Congress. Ralph Peters wonders why there is no military museum, but I've seen dozens of military museums. I don't know exactly what he means, but this article has some great quotes.
Michael Yon has great praise for our trooops in Iraq, calling the transformation since the start of the surge "almost miraculous". He further explains that the reason we are winning is the political success we're having at the grass roots level because of the basic goodness of our troops, who form the most respected institution in Iraq. Iraqis understand we are the good guys even if the MoveOn.org crowd and Democrats don't. But Yon says our troops are still stretched too thin, and we need more troops, not less, to continue this almost miraculous progress.
This test does not call into question free will. All this shows is that our brain goes through a decision making process before we are aware of the decision, which is obvious.
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