Thursday, April 03, 2008

Free kibbles

Chinese spy spent 2 decades burrowing into US defense contractor before activating. Chinese spy network is growing. This is part of China and Russia's Cold War of Terror against the US, and we're so distracted by the 2 parties and their phony battles, we're not even aware of it yet.

NATO supports missile defense, denies entry to Ukraine, Georgia, and Macedonia, and agrees to send more troops to Afghanistan, but not to fight in the south. Thanks goodness for the Canadians.

between North and South Korea mounts. South Korea has as GDP 52 times greater than North Korea. While the US has a vested interest in containing North Korea because it's a nuclear armed rogue nation, there's no need for the US to defend South Korea. We should wean South Korea off of our security welfare, while retaining the ability to contain the rogue nuclear state, and let South Korea deal with North Korea. We should also invite South Korea to join an Pacific/Asian economic and security alliance with the US, EU, Japan, Australia, India and other nations who will pull their fair share of the security load.

Zimbabwe opposition parties win majority in Parliament, but opposition leader barely missed winning enough votes to avoid a runoff election against Mugabe.

Faced with a terrible economic crisis and strike, Argentinian president declares claim to Falklands. I'm sure that will boost her popularity at home, and she may be able to pull it off. Thatcher isn't prime minister any more, and the British military and navy are not nearly as capable as they were 20 years ago, when they had about all they could handle taking back the Falklands then. Appeasement mentality has taken over in Britain. They'll probably negotiate transferring the Falklands to Argentina.

Here's a perfect example of how biased scientists, true believers in man-made global warming, distort science results to promote their fraud. These scientists performed a study that verified that solar activity affects cloud formation on earth, and therefore effects climate. But instead of reporting they had verified the theory, they report that their study contradicted the theory, even though the data verified the theory. Their excuse for reporting otherwise is that they expected larger changes in cloud cover, and they only found small changes in cloud cover. We're only experiencing small changes in climate and global temperatures. The global temperature has changed less than 1 degree Celsius over an entire century. But of course the headline incorrectly states the study refutes the solar output theory, when it fact, it supports the solar output theory.

Reason doesn't like the E-verify system any more than I do. This is a big government solution that will just cause more problems, when the best solution is just to let the American people check IDs. Bartenders manage to check IDs every day. US employers can check ID and birth certificate, which I've needed to show to obtain every job I ever had, green card, or visa of prospective employees. Problem solved. No big government intrusion to screw things up for everybody.

Reason explains how politicians looking to the next election can't resist mucking with the economy and making the subprime and credit crises worse.

Democrats abandon free trade.

Hillary Clinton told Bill Richardson that Obama cannot win in November. I agree with that statement, but the hubris is entertaining. The obvious implication in the statement is that Hillary can win. She's delusional. That comment shows the same delusional hubris that the Bosnia story showed. It's the same delusion hubris that her attempt to keep Nixon from having counsel by hiding public documents then pretending they didn't exist showed. Hillary belongs in psychiatric care, not in any position of power.

Clinton's tax returns expected to show millions in offshore income. Yep. All that money from the Middle Eastern tyrants keeps flowing to the Clintons. That's why she's waiting to release her records until as late as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if she fails to release them when she claimed she would.

Obama didn't need his wife to become any more of a handicap, but joining with Teresa Heinz Kerry will make Michelle more of a handicap. Kerry pissed off so many women in 2004, it might have cost her husband the election. Michelle Obama and THK together will do the same this year.

Does Obama look like a sissy? Yes.

Howard Dean has brokered a deal to sit the Florida and Michigan delegates if all the superdelegates declare for Obama and end the race. Can you imagine the hatred and anger that both Clintons will spew?

Daily caffeine protects rabbit brains, and potentially human brains, from dementia. Maybe Hillary should start drinking coffee. It also prevents Alzheimers. It seems like that should be widely reported, but I had never heard of it.

Showing his bona fides as a human hater, Ted Turner proclaims the world has too many people. The world is wonderful, but people are bad. This is at the heart of the eco-nut movement. But I haven't noticed Turner getting his friends together to commit mass suicide to save the planet, so actually, only other humans are bad. Turner and his friends are good because they're eco-nuts. We have a pretty good idea what Ted Turner's solution to the ecoproblem is - get rid of a bunch of humans. This is why the eco-nut movement is a natural ally for Marxism. And that's what Al Gore's carbon caps would do. It would kill hundreds of thousands or millions of people by forcing them to live in abject poverty, denied access to cheap energy. Forcing people to live in dirty squalor, dying from disease, dysentery, malnutrition, etc. But, hey, it's all for the greater good, right?

Black judge who ordered white lawyers out of his courtroom so he could lecture black defendants admits that was a mistake. Gosh, ya think?

Cato says we can't blame any recession on free trade.

Cato does some mythbusting about Real-ID.

Cato explains that big tobacco companies welcome new tobacco regulation because they will be able to control the regulations and limit the competition. Government regulations always hurt small businesses and consumers by limiting competition while favoring big corporations which have the resources to lobby for the regulations they want in order to stifle competition. Everytime government takes power from the people like this, big corporations win, the people lose, and government expands the parasitic economy that powers all the corruption in Washington and state capitals.

Boortz highlights teachers who are providing audio books to students instead of teaching them to read. He also exposes how students who are too poor to buy or bring their own lunch have MP3 players.

California considers repealing laws that penalize people for joining the communist party. They sound unconstitutional to me. Employers just shouldn't hire anybody who joins the communist party. That should limit their ability to hurt the country.

The tax foundation lampoons punishing state taxes on April Fools Day.

Nancy Pelosi has decided to pay over $600,000 to put in a green lighting system for the Capital building. The bid was just a government handout to the committee chairman's constituents. The current electric bill for the lighting is $15,000 per year, so it will take over 40 years to recoup the investment. That's how little government thinks of taxpayers' money.

Web site exposes teachers unions.

Sign the FairTax petition.

Republicans lead pork-barrel spending.

Dick Morris explains Hillary Clinton counted on being able to pass off a charade, and failed. Of course, Obama is passing off a charade on Democrats, and succeeding. I have no doubt that if you were to ask the poll question, would you rather be lied to by Obama or Hillary, most would pick Obama.

Judge strikes down Texas law charging a $5 tax for entering a strip club.

The vast majority of taxes is paid by very few people. Soaking the rich is both a policy and a social problem.

Labor unions, and therefore Democrats, are blocking free trade with Columbia even though American and Columbian workers would benefit from the agreement.

Ann Coulter offers some stunning quotes from Obama's first book, Dreams From My Father.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Free trade" isn't "trade" at all, see " The Trade Deficit and the Fallacy of Composition" at for why it's destroying the US economy.

    And see "Libertarians: Unbalanced & Deranged" at .shtml on attacks on liberals and this irrational libertarian nonsense. Also see "The Invisible Hand" and "Invisible Hand Drops Ball & Economics 101".

    The libertarian view of "freedom" is not freedom at all (see "On Freedom" at
