Monday, March 31, 2008

Free kibbles

Matt Maupin's body has been discovered in Iraq.

Bush and Treasury Sec. Paulson are talking out both sides of their mouth on financial regulation. Both continually propose more regulations while claiming we have to be wary of more regulations. Now Bush and UK PM Brown are putting together a joint regulatory committee to oversee financial institutions. So now the British government is going to regulate us in addition to the US government? That's not even constitutional. Fed considering bank seizures. This is getting worse and worse. Analyst predicts $1 trillion write-down. Cato comments on the good, bad, and ugly aspects of Paulson's plan.

Bush plans to help bailout more homeowners. My first house went down in value after I bought it. How come the government didn't take taxpayer money and refinance it for me? I had to live with it for a couple years until the value started rising again. Maybe we can get the government to take money from taxpayers by force to give to everybody who's investment drops. If your stocks drop, the government can force taxpayers to make up the difference for you. If the value of your boat drops, the government can force taxpayers to make up the difference for you. Then the world will be full of sunshine and puppies.

Arizona considers a state-sanctioned guest worker program. Interesting idea, but I think the courts would rule it unconstitutional.

Police agencies using civilians to respond to non-emergency 911 calls.

Iranians helped broker Basra ceasefire. That's typical for the Iranians. Foment violence, then when their surrogates are on the verge of being wiped out, broker a cease-fire so they can keep their surrogates to fight another day. Allowing this to continue leads to a state of perpetual war that works for the Iranians and against the goal of peace. The good news is al Sadr and the Mahdi Army lost prestige, people and equipment. The bad news is Iran will resupply them with weapons and people. But for now, the Iraqi government has taken control of Basra.

Hamas claims that Israeli soldier it kidnapped in 2006 is still alive.

Zimbabwe is trickling out election results and issuing veiled threats against the opposition for claiming to win, warning it will treat such claims as a coup.

Unable to discover any data that backs up his claim of man-made global warming, and realizing the public is becoming aware of his global scam, Al Gore launches $300 propaganda campaign to fool the public into believing the most dangerous fraud since communism. The fact that charlatans Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton get together to promote this outrageous con should be enough to turn the light bulb on for every American. It's funny this article says that Gore is trying to force debate since he has cowardly avoided all debate since he started this crusade.

Record snow in northern Maine.

Government tapping Google expertise to search its own databases.

The problems with eye-witness IDs of suspects.

While other newspapers are cutting staff, WSJ hires reporters in an attempt to become the nation's preeminent newspaper. That shouldn't take much. Rupert Murdoch is doing it again.

McCain advisers lobbied for predatory lender. I still don't know what a predatory lender is. "I'll lend you money if you pay me back according to these terms..." Scary. If they committed fraud, just call them fraudulent. Otherwise, they were just dumb for making loans to people who couldn't pay them back.

Hillary Clinton's campaign head made $200,000 with a subprime lender.

Reason thinks North Carolina is pivotal for Hillary Clinton's chances.

The mother of all hypocrites, Hillary Clinton is not paying the health insurance premiums of her campaign staff! So much for Mrs. Health Care Mandate.

Christopher Hitchens remembers Hillary's position on Bosnia and explains it was much worse than the lies she's been caught in. Apparently she strongly resisted interfering to stop the ethnic cleansing out of fear it would turn into a Vietnam and derail her tyrannical socialized medicine plan. Now she claims she helped broker peace there by running under a hail of sniper bullets. Even Frank Rich can't believe how many times Clinton repeated the lie despite being corrected by reporters and fellow travelers. As for why she would do it, I dispute that she's smart. I've seen no evidence of exceptional intelligence in Hillary Clinton.

Politico exposes that in an attempt to fool voters about is radically liberal politics, Obama's camp lied about Obama's participation in a survey of his positions in 1996. For normal people, this would be damning, but Obama's running against the biggest liar of them all, and Democrats love to support and reward liars, so I doubt it will hurt him in the primary. It will probably help.

Inventor creates mercy-killing machine. Push a button and commit suicide.

Scientists to excavate Stonehenge in hopes of dating its creation.

Teacher refuses to allow student to reference the FairTax book, written by Boortz and Congressman Linder who wrote the FairTax bill, in an essay on the FairTax because she claims Boortz is not a reliable source of information. Instead she points the student to a NYTimes hatchet job on the FairTax and decrees that is a reliable source.

Man who filmed cheerleaders charged with possessing child porn.

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