Thursday, March 06, 2008

Free kibbles

Foreclosures increase as people give up on homes they couldn't afford to begin with. The flip this home craze has flopped, and the good news there's a bunch foreclosures available cheap.

National crime database mean anybody who ever ended up on the wrong side of government will have that record follow them all around the country forever. Since we have far more people in jail than any other civilized country, a lot of people will hurt by this.

It's good to see the Justice Dept. going after the people who leak our confidential national security information to the enemy, and leaking to the press is leaking it to the enemy. It's treason, and we should capture them and put them on trial.

Oil all time high and dollar all time low.

Army loosening procurement rules so soldiers can have better equipment. Why would we have ever have had procurement rules that required soldiers to wear inferior equipment?

There's nothing wrong with government documenting information on the outside of mail for criminal investigations. I just wonder how useful it is. If you write your name and address and another person's name and address on an envelope, you have no expectation that that information will remain private. Just like you have no expectation of privacy when you dial a phone. You have an expectation of privacy for the content of the mail or the phone call, but not the identity of yourself or the recipient.

Food prices expected to rise through 2010. What would lower them then? It's our policies of subsidies for expensive ethanol and our policy of not drilling for oil, not building refineries, and not building cost efficient alternative energy plants that are driving up the price of food. We have no reason to think that will change any time soon.

Living conditions in Gaza at 40 year low. If the people of Gaza care about that, they should kick Hamas out of their land. If the Arabs care about that, they will stop funding and arming Hamas. Israel has the responsibility to defend itself from daily rocket attacks. Hamas gunmen shoots 8 Israeli school kids.

Iraq to revive Saddam-era oil deal with Chinese.

Cheap Chinese products may spur African development. Capitalism works for everybody.

Cuban cyber-rebels.

Big business is winning in the Supreme Court. The author would have us believe that the Court is making pro-business decisions, but it sounds to me like the Court is doing what it's supposed to do - follow the law - and the solution is to change the law.

More plagiarism at the NYTimes.

Reason's final report from the International Climate Change Conference explains that climatologists and climate models don't understand the effects of clouds and Vaclav Klaus explains that environmentalism is a vehicle for collectivists to take away freedom and property.

Reason thinks John McCain was wrong on Iraq from the beginning, and he's still wrong.

Democrats are struggling to deal with the Michigan and Florida primaries, which everybody agreed would not count, but now Clinton and Michigan and Florida voters want to change the rules in mid process. I think a do-over is likely.

This year's Democrat convention could be a replay of Florida in 2000. What would happen if all superdelegates voted with their state.

Obama points out that Hillary is no better qualified for a 3am emergency call than he is. It's about time he challenged her bogus claim of experience.

Democrats should demand Hillary release her tax returns.

Clinton compares Obama to Ken Starr for daring to ask about her record. That's standard Clinton practice. Slime their enemies with all the dirt they can dig up, and attack them when they bring up the Clinton's record. Hillary expects to be able to run around and say she has the experience to be president, but nobody is allowed to ask her about her actual experience. The Clintons are rotten to the core, and Democrats love them.

Al Gore cannot help the Democrats. Robert Novak misses the point - Hillary won Tuesday because conservatives crossed over and voted for her.

The flip-side of our immigration problem - nun who applied for visa being forced to leave the country. Why did we reject her visa? This is why I prefer the term gatecrasher to illegal alien. Gatecrashers are a huge problem, but the people who come here legally and try to work within our frame work and get screwed by government are not. Government is the problem for them.

Doctors use MRI to read minds.

Moscow is home to the most billionaires. We are transferring our wealth to tyrannies.

Cato explains the pitfalls of a federal electronic database to see if a person is in the US legally for work. The simplest solutions are usually the best. Employers can just verify ID and either birth certificate, visa, or green card for prospective employees. If bartenders can do it, so can employers.

NYTimes talks about the American liberation of Iraq. It must have been a mistake.

John Stossel explains that wealth envy drives a lot of the anti-capitalist, environment movement. But he fails to note the powerful influence of fear. Personal insecurity makes many liberals fear their fellow man. They fear guns. They fear free markets. They fear empowering the common man. They fear we're harming the environment. They project their personal insecurities on the rest of us, and every flaw in the world supports their irrational fear that common men can't be trusted with power - power must be surrendered to a paternalistic government.

Democrats propose federal buy-out of distressed mortgages. Damn! I need to go buy a mansion right away! Actions have consequences. We are just a few years away from turning into the Soviet Union. Then all the people who did this to us, who voted for these idiots, will wonder how it happened.

Our government is so bad that a Senator has introduced a bill to finish building the fence from another law. Now we need 2 laws to get it done? One was not enough? Actually, it took 2 laws to begin with. 1 law ordered the fence to be built. The second appropriated money for it. And it's still not being built. So now there's a 3rd law under debate to get it built. I don't support the fence - we should just make sure employers check citizenship or immigration status of potential employees by checking their ID and birth certificate, visa, or green card, but this just shows how terrible our government is.

US security is hyperventilating over a tiny handgun that fires a bullet about the size and velocity of an airgun. This overreaction is ludicrous. I think it's a cute toy.

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