Big government is harming Americans at all levels of government: California city to declare bankruptcy. North Carolina wasted $400 million on bogus mental health reform. Congratulations to New Jersey Gov. Corzine for proposing to cut $3.2 billion from New Jersey's budget. New Jersey's economy will benefit from the future tax dollars saved and the additional workers who will add to New Jersey's economy instead of sucking off it. 10' wheelchair ramp to cost $1 million. San Francisco to use taxpayer money to promote its status as a sanctuary city.
AP is lobbying the Supreme Court to give Iraqi detainees, prisoners of war basically, access to US courts. Since when is the AP, supposedly a news organization, a lobbying group? This just shows that AP surrendered any pretext of objectivity long ago. All wartime military detentions have been unchecked and unreviewable in history. Can you imagine if we had had to give every Japanese and German prisoner of war access to our courts? These liberals are absolutely insane. They act like they never heard of the separation of powers. The will not consider the horrendous consequences of their actions - that the US will never be able to hold a prisoner of war again. The courts would force us to release all prisoners so they could kill more Americans. This is why the Constitution gives the Executive branch all war powers without interference from Congress or the Court. The AP should stick to trying to get the Iraqis or the Bush administration to release their man.
70% of Americans believe the media is out of touch. That's because the accomplice press is the third leg of the government aristocracy, along with Democrats and Republicans. Every aristocracy in is out of touch with the common man, and ours is no different. Government elites, which includes the press, only care about each other and dictating to the rest of us. That's why they're driving this country down the tubes.
As expected, the Justice Dept. refuses Pelosi's partisan political gambit to investigate Bush aids Bolten and Miers for contempt of Congress. This woman redefines the term political hack.
Claiming his own ruling might have been unconstitutional, judge reverses ruling shutting down whistleblower site.
Al Qaeda calls for assassination of Prince Harry for fighting the Taliban. Prince William to serve in the Royal Navy.
Israel continues retaliating for Hamas rockets.
Pakistani police charge 5 men with Bhutto's murder.
Drug warrior would prefer overdosing drug users risk death than get cheap, effective treatment.
New Jersey empowers police to pull people over for using a handheld device. What was wrong with the original law? It sounded effective to me, allowing cops to ticket people for using a handheld as a secondary offense. If they're driving fine, leave them alone.
American students don't know the answers to this multiple choice test.
Even though they cost more to produce than they're worth, pennies are legal tender, and you can't discipline students for using them. I think these students have a valid lawsuit.
Japan proposes regulating top news sites on the web.
Man arrested for yelling at a police dog.
Boeing is unhappy the US is buying refueling tankers from an Airbus consortium. Maybe they should have made a better product. We need more competition for weapons systems to lower the costs.
Employee lawsuit claims employer waterboarded employee to motivate sales team. I hope this is a joke.
Michelle Obama encourages poor people to stay poor by working in government instead of the free market. What a hypocrite. Nothing could be more counterproductive that pushing people to become government parasites instead of productive workers. Government did not make America great. Government did not lead the people of the world to wealth, health and happiness. Government did not invent the technology that has improved our lives. People working in free markets did.
Judge unseals Barry Bonds testimony.
4th edition D&D details leaked.
Boortz provides statistics showing that a national gun ban in Australia led directly to increased violent crime. Not that we need statistics. Anybody with half a brain would realize this would happen. Also, Oklahoma is debating a law to allowed college students to carry concealed weapons. About time. College students are adults.
President of Sudan to kick Danes out of his country and boycott Denmark over Mohammad cartoons.
United Nations stiffs salvage company out of $50 million.
Classically British, politically incorrect rant against the Saudi royal family, radical Islam, and western appeasement.
Prisoner sues Massachusetts because it won't pay for his sex change operation. The most bizarre aspect of this story is that Massachusetts is standing up to this guy instead of providing him extra pillows with his hormone shots and surgery.
The British have discovered the pickup truck. And low taxes provide a nice incentive to buy them.
Why do we have US troops in Kenya? It must be related to fighting al Qaeda in Somalia.
Hillary Clinton thinks increasing the size of government to indoctrinate children in government pre-K school will get out of poverty. Government is the reason people get trapped in poverty.
County proposes law that would give government the power to veto or modify every development in the county based on whether or not it would contribute to climate change. This is 100% fascism - government planning of all production. And the county's land use plan is updated every 4 years. The fascist goals of Al Gore and the hate America left using the great global warming fraud are being realized. When they don't work, communism will be the final solution. The applicate of free market terms to this fascist plan is frighteningly Orwellian. Progressivism is fascism.
Cooking spinach even kids will eat with Coolio.
Why are cells programmed to die (apoptosis)?
Ann Coulter fondly remembers William F. Buckley for his fights.
Thomas Sowell illustrates how the NYTimes has disgraced itself over time. The US should learn the lessons of price controls from Venezuela. Sowell previews an upcoming international climate change conference in New York subtitled "Global Warming: Truth or Swindle?" For some reason, we haven't been buried by a flood of hype over this conference like we are for the politicized conferences full of global warming frauds.
Jonah Goldberg wonders at how liberals embrace and lionize domestic terrorists and dictators.
Mike Gallagher questions John McCain's decision to apologize for Willie Cunningham's Barack Hussein Obama comment.
Jonah Goldberg remembers William F. Buckley and his battle against progressives.The quotes from progressives really make clear their collectivist ideology, a new dealer talking about the religion of government, and FDR talking about repealing the Bill of Rights. This inspired my profound, in my own eyes at least

Michael Barone says we can throw away the red state - blue state map. Excellent. Let's replace it with libertarian red, white and blue.
George Will points out that the McCain-Feingold incumbent protection abomination is an attack on the First Amendment, and therefore an attack on the Constitution, which contradicts the president's (and every other representative's) oath. I don't think McCain will appoint strict constructionists like he promises. I think he'll appoint activist liberals posing as moderates to protect his assault on free speech as well as his other unconstitutional, liberal positions.
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