Saturday, January 05, 2008

Free kibbles

The first thing I ever learned in science class, and it was repeated in many classes, is the scientific method. By its very nature, the existence of God can't be determined by the scientific method, and therefore religion has no place in science class. Science is silent about God. If you want to teach intelligent design or any other religious dogma, then offer theology or philosophy, and study it there.

Afghanistan appeals for wheat because of shortage. Maybe their farmers should grow some wheat instead of opium. This is another artifact of the war on drugs. Because of the war on drugs, opium prices are much higher than food prices, and farmers will grow opium when they should be growing food.

Of course, there's always an extreme new drug in the news to whip up the masses for more support of the failed war on drugs. All the drugs in the world combined are nowhere near as extreme as the war on drugs. It kills and ruins far more people than drug use.

The problems with managing foreign aid.

Just to illustrate how liberal Arnold Schwarzenegger is, Gov. Spitzer of New York is adopting his fuel economy standards.

I think the lesson from the Iowa turnout is that Republicans aren't nearly as popular as the party of big-government as the Democrats. Americans don't want just a choice between 2 big-government parties. If that's the only choice, liberals come out in record numbers, defending their territory as the biggest-government supporters, and normal people check out of the political process.

Ron Paul's New Hampshire volunteers bemoan that his campaign focuses on traditional Republican issues instead of libertarian issues. New Hampshire Republican Party withdraws sponsorship of Foxnews debate tomorrow night because it excludes Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter.

Reason shows how Mike Huckabee dodges hard questions. Apparently Obama has mastered the rhetorical technique of feel good speaking without having to provide any substance. Both these guys are getting votes for their style instead of their substance. This bodes ill for America.

George Will discusses similarities between Huckabee and Edwards.

Michael Barone illustrates that policy discussion has been remarkably absent from the presidential campaign so far.

Iowa seems to want change, but John McCain, like Hillary Clinton, is just more of the same establishment. So why is he leading the polls in New Hampshire. Because New Hampshire isn't Iowa. You can't read too much into the Iowa results. And Romney's problem is he's just a phony.

Romney wins in Wyoming.

Hillary Clinton's favorite donor and bundler, Norman Hsu, is going to prison for 3 years.

Preview of ABC's debates tonight.

Window washer survives 47 story fall on top of his scaffolding.

New wide angle telescope will be able to survey the entire sky every 3 days, providing a movie-like view of the visible universe. This should allow scientists to identify dangerous asteroids and do never before possible science.

Mark Steyn hits the nail on the head when he says that Iowa gave us a battle between the secular left and the religious left. We're screwed.

An fair assessment of the FairTax in the mainstream media. I agree with the comment at the end that Huckabee is likely to back off his support for the FairTax if he gets in office, or even the general election. He's such a socialist that it's hard to see him supporting a policy that would transfer power from the government to the people. But he has been stubborn, and he might think he's better off not changing his position, so we can hope not.

Laurence Kudlow advocates tax reform. How about the FairTax?

How long have heard that global warming has reduced snow and ice on California mountains and that's led to wildfires and drought and whatever else? Now the disaster is that snow and ice have hit California, piling up 5 feet of snow in the mountains. It's human nature to complain about the weather, and Al Gore and is band of false prophets are capitalizing on that by magnifying every typical weather event (they've all happened before, and worse) into a biblical sign of doom. What a crock.

The irony that Bhutto was killed by the very extremists she helped foster when she was prime minister.

The WSJ finds a silver lining in Iowa's results. It's symbols and style, not substance. Pfft.

If liberals' view of the axis of evil is correct, then Bush succeeded. They have to hate that. Too bad it's bull. North Korea hasn't given up anything but an already decrepit reactor, and the Iran is surging to a nuclear weapon while our government fights policy battles with itself.

Apparently populism is winning a lot of support this year. I sent email to Ron Paul suggesting ways to capitalize on that issue. Getting rid of the income tax (by adopting the FairTax, which Paul has yet to endorse) is the answer and addresses populism. It will immediately give the middle class a 20% to 30% raise. It will make American companies more competitive so they can pay more. It will bring jobs back to America from overseas so wages will rise. It will move us from ongoing trade deficits to trade surpluses. The FairTax will energize everybody in America if sold on a populist platform.

Amanda Carpenter is cute. She's also fast.

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