Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Free kibbles

Bush eased export restrictions to China so US technology is again aiding the Chinese military build-up. Clinton couldn't have done it better himself. This just shows that the 2 parties are nearly identical.

Pakistan moves elections back to the middle of February.

How could the destruction of post 9/11 interrogation tapes have interfered with the 9/11 Commission studying how 9/11 happened? Don't they understand the sequential nature of time?

Voter databases inaccurate. Why does a voter database contain a social security number? Name and address is enough to validate a voter with valid ID.

School bans fighting in self-defense. What parent would send their child to a school that bans fighting in self-defense? Who wants their children to be brainwashed into being victims?

Hillary Clinton's campaign is offering teen baby-sitters for voters. Maybe this is Hillary's next entitlement.

Edwards promises to pull all troops out of Iraq in 10 months. This highlights Democrat irresponsibility on Iraq.

Boortz rips Hillary's Christmas ad.

Parents in denial about fat kids.

Walter Williams blasts the class warfare argument that CEOs make too much money.

How the global warming cultists take advantage of an "availability cascade" to hype their phony doomsday prophesies.

French "youth" only torch 372 cars on New Years Eve, and France considers that calm. This is our future if we don't dramatically reduce the size and scope of government, taxes (adopt the FairTax), and secure our borders.

Pakistani cleric says Pakistan and the world must adopt Sharia voluntarily or be forced. Musharraf has his hands full.

Cato calls Mike Huckabee the biggest of the big-government Republicans.

Researches consider using sperm to power nanobots.

Another author exposes Bhutto for the selfish, power-hungry, corrupt woman she really was. His discussion of her poor mastery of her native language remind me of Hillary Clinton affecting a southern drawl.

Fantastic description of the Ron Paul volunteers and through them, his campaign.

Tony Blankley repeats the reason for the war in Iraq.

Ralph Peters reports that because the US has shown the fortitude to fight and win in the Middle East, the biggest story of the year is that the terrorists have suffered their worst year since 9/11, but the mainstream media, dominated by the hate-America left, refuses to report that story. Peters claims the repudiation of al Qaeda by Sunni Muslims is a monumental strategic defeat for the terrorists, showing that, in the end, they will be defeated.

Austin Bay explains that in the modern age, targeting computer network infrastructure is an act of war.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    To Freedom,

    One thing you don't talk about on your blog and that is the problem of illegitimacy in America. Here's one man's viewpoint that got him into trouble years ago. Would you please read this?

    Parental Responsiblity
    By Dan Hubert Assistant Editor

    Milwaukee, Sept. 29: A mob of 20 inner-city youths throw an egg at an African-American man. When the man strikes back and hits one boy in the mouth, the group erupts. They beat him with shovels, pipes, baseball bats and boards. Charlie Young, Jr. does the next day.

    Liberals believe that there are two overwhelming reasons that these incidents happened. The first problem is that there aren't enough federal funds flowing into the neighborhood. The second problem is that white men oppressed and killed black men up until the 1960s. Enslavement of the African-Americans (before and after the Civil War) was the overwhelming cause of the killing.

    Evil, baby-killing, African-American-oppressing Caucasion male Republicans believe in something called "personal responsibility" and have some esoteric view of so-called "morality." (Message to Republicans: don't impose your upper-class morality on the same people you oppress.)

    Another argument some make is the "baggy pants" defense. You know the type. You may even wear the pants yourself. The children that killed Charlie Young were wearing the same kind of pants that you can fit Andre the Giant and his twin brother in the same leg!

    They hang so low that recording artists such as R-Kelly and Eminem have to grab their crotches during music videos just to keep them from falling down! (In fact, R-Kelly has been accused of not keeping his pants on in the presence of 13 year old girls. Get a snazzy pair of suspenders buddy.)

    As a style, baggy and loose fitting clothing has always been associated with the derelicts and bohemians of society. Hobos, transients, and the homeless are usually portrayed as having baggy clothing. Jesters and clowns are also associated with exaggerated clothing. Clowns wear larger than normal shoes and baggier than normal pants. Am I wrong? Could it be a different problem?

    Answer these questions: who is selling cocaine to black people in Milwaukee? Who is gunning down black people in Milwaukee? Who is holding the black community in Milwaukee down? Who keeps on getting black females pregnant, and then leave the woman and the child? Who can solve the current crisis in the black community? The answer is simple: black people.

    Very seriously, it isn't the children's fault that they have no role models to look up to. Currently the federal government pays unwed girls to have babies. It's called welfare! Believe it or not, there are women who make a living by being on welfare. In 1997, the Unites States Congress approved a welfare program that cost 1.2 trillion dollars over these past five years.

    Few of these monsters had father figures in their lives. It's simply true that black men participate in "hit and runs." (You know what I mean.) It really isn't the children's fault that they were hanging out on a street corner with a gang of other social misfits and drug dealers. No federally funded after-school basketball program could have prevented this. No Boys and Girls Club could have stopped it. The one thing that could have prevented this horrible crime is parental involvement. Where were the moms? Where were these kids' dads?

    As far as I'm concerned, throw these monsters in jail with their parents and throw away the key. Stop the welfare payments and you'll end the madness."

