US is the lone holdout on Kyoto in Bali. At least we haven't caved to this socialist conspiracy against the population of the world. Yet. I bet they didn't invite any climate skeptics to this conference. Can't have anybody who isn't part of the fraud there. Cato points out the failures of Kyoto and advocates growing wealth, technology, and science.
FCC plans to ad an arbitrary size limit to cable companies. This is stupid, and there's no grounds for it in the Constitution.
US intelligence report claims Iran stopped developing a nuclear weapon in 2003, though it continues to enrich uranium which could be used in a weapon by 2010.
Putin's party wins 63% of the vote. That's not the landslide the press expected. Putin's massive election fraud may well have won the day.
Sudanese president pardons teddy bear teacher. Now get her out of the country. Hopefully she learned enough to never return. Plans to fly back to Britain. Good for her.
Chavez loses Constitutional vote and has to settle for being a petty dictator instead of a grand tyrant. Cato applauds the people of Venezuela.
Israel releases 429 more Palestinian prisoners to boost Fatah. These people were in jail for trying to harm Israelis. This will come back to haunt Israel.
US urges probe of corrupt Russian elections. Cato calls the election illegal.
Army to offer $40,000 bonus to new recruits committing to 5 years.
Drew Carry publicizes a paramilitary police raid on a routine poker game at a Dallas VFW.
Saggy pants ban may be unConstitutional. Gosh, ya think? It would take me pages and pages to write down all the unConstitutional laws we, legislatures, executives, and courts have allowed to be passed.
Editorial in the liberal LA Times calls CNN corrupt.
Here's a picture Drudge posted today. Tell me this wasn't designed to make Obama look taller in stature, which he is, a leader compared to Hillary, a front-runner, and to make Hillary look shifty by only showing her eyes.

Democrats won't let the Plame non-affair drop. We know the culprit - Richard Armitage. Since Armitage wasn't sexy enough, Democrats punished a whipping boy - Lewis Libby. Despite the complete worthlessness of this whole non-affair, despite the miscarriage of justice against Libby, Democrats are still wasting taxpayers' time and money on this. Taxpayers would be best served by prosecuting Wilson for slander.
Ron Paul's stance against the Iraq war would have carried him further if the surge had not been so successful at quelling violence. At least he voted against the war, so his stance is principled, unlike most Democrats. As popular as his stance is with Democrats, it won't serve him well with Republicans. He could take a strong, non-interventionist stance and still promise to stay long enough to secure Iraq, but I'm afraid he would lose all his support if he did.
I bet millions or more kindergarten students have written about wanting to be president. For Hillary to compare Obama's kindergarten essay to her decades of machinations to weasel her way into the White House, twice, is cartoonish.
Young chimps have better memories than college students. But did the chimps do keg stands the night before?
The Harvard study showing that forced diversity has large negative effects has been largely unnoticed. Liberals' forced multiculturalism and Teddy Kennedy's demographic engineering is dividing and damaging country. Diversity was happening just fine on its own, and that's how it should be.
Idaho plans to tax rafts, kayaks and inner tubes.
Proposed legislation will force hurting automakers to raise their prices and make cars more expensive and dangerous for Americans by increasing fuel efficiency. Government should leave well enough alone. If Americans wanted more fuel efficient cars, they would already buy more fuel efficient cars.
Teens are not showering after gym class and football games. Gross!
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