Sunday, December 16, 2007

Free kibbles

Turkey bombs northern Iraq to stop PKK terrorist attacks. Apparently the attacks were sanctioned by the US. That only makes sense. I doubt Turkey would risk its planes by entering Iraqi airspace without US permission.

350th anniversary of the Flushing Remonstrance. I've never heard of it, but of course I know who Peter Stuyvesant is. Sounds like an important precursor to American freedom. Insightful celebration of American governance and tradition, and a contrast with Europe's poor imitation, from a British paper that is not often friendly to the US. I guess it's less friendly with British government.

Congress to push ahead with CIA interrogation tape investigation despite Justice Dept ruling. Congress has oversight responsibility for lots of things, but the Executive branch does not answer to Congress. Congress hates that.

Britain turns Basra over to Iraq.

Huckabee supports allowing illegal aliens to jump in line to come to America after they go home for a day or 2. "Go home for a day, and we'll forget about it." Isn't that the definition of amnesty? This still entices illegal aliens to break into America. Anybody who tried to do it the right way and follow the law is proved a fool.

Even though Joe Lieberman caucuses with Democrats, he endorses John McCain for president.

Ron Paul raises another $4 million in one day. I hope he can translate that money into votes.

Mark Steyn contrasts the celebration of the birth of the Christ-child with the not-so-radical environmental movement that's pushing for taxing children and rewarding sterilization. As always, very funny because it's right on the mark. It's shocking how far we've slid to the dangerous left that ultimately hates not only capitalism and personal achievement, but humanity as well.

You have to respect Andy Pettitte for admitting to using HGH. I hope that will spur other players to come forward and admit what they've done, but I doubt it. I want to hear the players come forward and say steroids should be legal.

George Will calls Bush's subprime bailout an entitlement for risk takers. Hillary has demanded more. He explains that in the future, this will mean loans for sub-prime borrowers will be more expensive. Other than his essay excoriating Antioch College, this is the least liberal I've ever seen George Will. Punishing lenders because of the failure of borrowers.

It looks like North Korea has played us for fools once again.

Low taxes, government spending, and right to work laws are key to states' economic growth. Those are the foundation of economic freedom.

Guantanamo officers posting positive information about Guantanamo on the internet. They should be doing that, as long as their honest. They know more about what goes on at Guantanamo than anybody. I don't think posting about Castro being a transsexual is honest.

Time-Warner wins state-side franchise contract for Ohio. How about Comcast too? How about every other cable provider too? This is nothing more than a government backed monopoly, and it costs us far more than it would if we had free competition for cable.

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