Thursday, December 06, 2007

Free kibbles

General Petraeus understands that we haven't won the war in Iraq yet.

Fire department orders family to cut trees, then city fines them for cutting indigenous trees.

German mistakenly held in Guantanamo for 4 years. As much as that sucks for him, it just shows we're not perfect. Wouldn't it be great if we lived in a perfect world or could fight perfect wars? This case shows that there is a path for those wrongly held to be released. From Scalia's questioning in the case, it appears we have never in history allowed foreign prisoners of war the right to file a write of habeas corpus, which makes sense to me. The Guantanamo detainees get less rights that those prisoners who wore uniforms, not more.

Critic calls Homeland Security department an embarrassment. Bush should have stood his ground against creating this new, bloated, ineffective bureaucracy.

So much for Chavez' being magnanimous in defeat. He attacks his opposition and declares he will continue to fight to become a life-long tyrant.

Senate committee passes legislation to limit green house emissions. If this becomes law, it will become a serious drain on our economy at time when we're already on the verge of becoming an also-ran economic power to China. Cato calls the bill a boondoggle.

Supposed climate scientists sign petition asking government to take radical action to cut CO2 emissions. Every time we hear about this "climate scientists", we subsequently find out they aren't climate scientists at all. That will be proven true this time too. An analysis of the scientific literature shows that most climate scientists do not agree with the man-made CO2 theory of global warming.

Elites at Bali produce as much green house gases at 20,000 cars in a year.

High income taxes in Denmark pressure workers to move to other countries.

Reason thinks government regulation, not big chains, are killing Main street. In Dayton, it's high city taxes that are killing downtown.

New SCHIP bill provides greater access to Medicaid for illegal aliens.

New Republican congressman fights government spending.

Dick Morris predicts big losses for front-runners Clinton and Giuliani in the early races.

Norman Hsu is finally indicted.

Consortium stocks seed bank in Arctic.

ESPN's Monday Night Football game between the Patriots and the Ravens sets cable TV viewer record.

Toyota makes robots too. Our car companies can hardly make cars because of the government tax and regulation burdens. Cato says we should not raise CAFE standards.

Court rules that the federal government must remove snow and ice from common areas like any landlord.

Boortz on the global warming scam.

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