Saturday, December 08, 2007

Free kibbles

The WSJ explores the impact of the NIE on Iran. It seems that the invasion of Iraq, which precipitated Libya's surrender of its nuclear program and the roll-up of the A.Q. Khan network, also forced Iran to at least temporarily abandon its nuclear weapons program. This report may hurt Bush's credibility regarding the weapons program this minute, but it supports Bush's position that Iran is a threat to develop nuclear weapons, even if they have temporarily suspended that program. John Bolton explains that the 2007 NIE is substantially the same as the 2005 NIE, the claim of stopping development of a nuclear weapon is mostly just a matter of terminology, except this one doesn't claim to know what the Mullah's are up to.

NATO and Afghan forces assault the Taliban's only stronghold in Afghanistan. Pakistani troops have the Taliban on the run in the lawless region of Pakistan.

US and Iraqi forces kill 12 and capture 13 al Qaeda suspects in wake of bombings. Nice job.

Iran stops taking dollars for oil. I'm surprised everybody hasn't done that. Who wants constantly falling dollars when they can use stable currency instead?

Hugo Chavez is mistrusted in South America.

Texas has long tried to outlaw the swinger lifestyle, but ticketing people for swinging in their own home is a new low.

Al Sharpton isn't going to Baltimore to defend this white woman from 9 black thugs. I haven't seen this on the national news either.

There are as many polar bears today as 30 years ago.

New Australian Prime Minister Rudd backs off his commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions because he now realizes the costs are prohibitive and the effects are negligible. I'll bet his liberal supporters are mad as hell. We live in the real world where actions have consequences. Regular liberals need to figure that out. Boortz on Bali.

Reason points out some irregularities in the federal case against Balko and Barry Bonds.

The army interrogation handbook.

Ann Coulter accused of voter fraud. This is much ado about nothing, but it's too bad she got away with it. She should have received a hand-slap. It's not like she tried to register multiple times under different names, which is the real danger from voter fraud.

Huckabee recommended isolating AIDS victims from the rest of society. That won't help him with the general population.

Bill Clinton says he'll sit in on cabinet meetings only if asked. This highlights the a big problem for Hillary. If we elect her, we'll never know for sure who is in charge.

Cato asks if we need death. The answer is no. Death is just a product of natural selection to insure that older gene-sets won't compete against their adult progeny. It's nature's version of planned obsolescence. If we could reverse engineer the mechanism which makes us grow old and die, we could undo it.

Progress toward a 30 meter telescope. Wow.

Contributions to the greenhouse effect of greenhouse gases including water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and others.

If you don't like the church bells, don't move there. If you move there, leave the church bells alone.

Mark Steyn wants free markets in housing and religion, but if he votes for either of the 2 parties, he'll just get bigger government that undermines both.

The House passed a socialist energy bill, mandating impossible goals for alternative energy supplies. Both parties are full crap on their energy plans. Get rid of all the subsidies for energy companies, ethanol and everything else. Get rid of the ridiculous obstacles to drilling in Anwar and off shore. Get rid of the ridiculous obstacles to power plants of all types including coal and nuclear. Get rid of the ridiculous obstacles to building new refineries. The free market will develop alternatives when it becomes cost effective.

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