Thursday, December 27, 2007

Free kibbles

Recently repatriated ex-Pakistani Prime Minister and current opposition leader Benazir Bhutto killed by assassin's bullet after suicide bomber drove her into her car. She had just survived a suicide bomb attached to a baby a few months ago. Bhutto and the US pressured Musharraf to lift martial law, and subsequently terrorists killed her. Looks like Musharraf was right. Gunman had earlier attempted to assassinate even more recently repatriated ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as well. Maybe Musharraf will get serious about hunting terrorists now.

North Korea announces delay in shutting down nuclear program. Anybody who didn't see this coming is a fool. This is just a precursor to pulling out of the agreement once North Korea has milked us for all the aid it can at this time.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will allow employers to cut back benefits once retirees reach 65. Will allow? What kind of country do we live in where employers have to ask permission from the government to set benefits for employees? This just as bad as the news that government will allow retirees to work to pay their taxes. Will allow?

Russia selling surface-to-air missile system to its proxy in the new Cold War of Terror, Iran.

Article shows the mentality driving the global warming cult. Author claims that the silver lining to global warming is that conservatives will suffer Biblical disaster in the south, midwest and southwest. These people are absolute loons driven by insane partisanship and socialist dogma. They have abandoned all rational thought.

Priests come to blows over how to clean the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Mickey Kaus wonders why affordable housing is suddenly a crisis. Funny.

Cato explains that Medicare is in even more dire straits than Social Security, but they call for fixing them, not abolishing them. That's a mistake. Americans should not be burdened with paying for such horrible investments. They should instead be free to invest that money wisely so they provide themselves far better service than Medicare and Social Security provide when they retire.

Cato doesn't support mandated HIV tests for pregnant women. That test should be between the patient and the doctor. There's no role for government in this issue.

Matt Towery compares Ron Paul to Ronald Reagan.

McDonald's makes millionaires.

Communists disguised as environmentalists block reopening of ancient mines and investment in sanitary infrastructure, forcing population to continue in dirty, dying squaller.

Christopher Hitchens remembers Benazir Bhutto.

Republicans win big on end-of-year legislation. That means the legislation is just bad, not terrible like the Democrats wanted.

Mark Steyn laments the inevitability of Benazir Bhutto's death, and though he's too polite to say that western leaders sent her to her death, his implication is clear - western hubris played a significant role in her death. After Musharraf declared a national emergency, I argued we should back off and let him do what he needed to do. He knows his country better than we do. Pakistan needs order more than anything else right now, and our pressure to change a country to suit our tastes has led to the death of Bhutto.

The current world order would be easy for China to join and hard to overturn. That's true except that the US and Europe are intent on self-destructing under unsustainable welfare states. The way to get China to join us instead of trying to overcome us is to re-adopt the limited government, maximum freedom principles of the founding fathers and re-lead Europe down the path of freedom. China will have to join us then, because they couldn't beat us. But if we continue on the path the 2 parties have established for us, we're going to be beaten by China in a decade or 2. The threat is imminent.

If you ever needed more evidence that both parties and their candidates are in politics for their own personal power instead of what's good for Americans, just look at the unfavorable ratings in this poll. No matter which of these fruitcakes wins, we're in for 4 more years of the Clinton-Bush-anti-American era.

Republican insiders are picking McCain.

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