Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Free kibbles

Baby boomers start retiring in January. The time to abolish social security is long ago, but the longer we wait, the more destructive it will be.

Highway Patrol officer accused of stealing $1 million in cocaine. How's that war on drugs working out for us?

US doubts Kurdish report of new Turkish air strikes. The previous air strikes killed over 150 PKK terrorists.

Al Qaeda is regrouping north of Baghdad. 2 bombs targeting US patrols kill 33.

Toyota surpass GM as number 1 auto maker. Unless we take control of our government and limit its size and scope, this is the wave of the future.

We're inundated in bogus alarmism every day, but our government has been driving over a cliff towards another depression for decades. I don't know if the big one is coming tomorrow or in 10 years, but if we don't reject both parties, shrink the size and scope of government, and implement serious tax reform like adopting the FairTax, it's coming soon.

Harry Reid keeps Senate in session to block recess appointments. This kind of obstructionism, blocking the president from appointing people to governments while they're in session and out, has earned the Congress record low ratings.

82% of Americans identify themselves with a Christian religion.

And we wonder why tourism to the US is down. Visitor chained and interrogated for 2 days because she overstayed a visa 10 years ago. And the vast majority of Americans don't care. They don't care that cops railroad people in every county in the US every night. They don't care that prosecutors withhold exculpatory evidence. They don't care the prosecutors press witnesses into lying about crimes that didn't occur. Americans just don't care. Until it happens to them.

Reason discusses the assault on freedom of speech at college campuses.

During all the hypocrisy over steroids in sports, more and more people are using mind-enhancing drugs to improve their work performance.

Cal Thomas shows that secularists can have their own fundamentalists just like any other religion, and he uses Al Gore's church of man-made global warming as an example.

Thomas Sowell wonders why computerized products are so hard to use. It's a good question. It's because the people who specify the products aren't normal people. Ergonomics has made a number of recent advances in car technology. Electronic devices need to be designed by ergonomic engineers.

Rich Lowry might be campaigning for Hillary because he presents her as a centrist like Bill. Maybe he's missed all her new socialist programs and taxes, but the American people haven't. Just because Obama and Edwards are even bigger socialists doesn't make Hillary a centrist.

Dick Morris says Hillary played no role in the peace process in Ireland, contradicting her newly expressed claims.

Robert Novak explains how the CIA has become a rogue agency responsible to nobody.

Al Gore's socialist agenda in light of Atlas Shrugged.

There is no meaningful dispute between Marxism and capitalism. We defeated Marxism, only to have the free world subsequently take freedom for granted and give it away and the remaining Marxists snatch it as we surrendered it. It's good to see somebody recognize that Russia and China are threats to freedom.

Teddy Kennedy's US immigration policy keeps us from competing for the world's top talent.

Wacko environmentalists enjoy imagining a world without people.

Cops steal bikes.

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