Thursday, December 13, 2007

Free kibbles

Data on the warmest years still has 1998 listed as the warmest, even though NASA found and corrected an error in that data and 1934 and 1998 are tied as the warmest years on record. 2006 is 3rd. 1921 is 4th. 1931 is 5th. Printing the real numbers doesn't have near the propaganda effect of the incorrect numbers, does it? Here's the corrected data, obviously ignored by the press in an attempt to mislead the public. Gore accuses the US of blocking progress on his anti-capitalist agenda. I sure hope he's right. Yet another scientific study concludes that solar output is the major driver of climate change, and man-made greenhouse gases have a very minor effect. Al Gore takes the train to Oslo in a publicity stunt, but he sends his luggage in a Mercedes van.

Britain implements plan to help elderly buy their own medical care. Socialized medicine has failed in Britain, Canada and elsewhere, but our government is moving inexorably toward socialized medicine here anyway.

British intelligence rips the CIA over the NIE claiming Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003. Our intelligence departments have no credibility and our policy has to consider that Iran's goal is to develop a nuclear weapon. After all, Mr. Nuke Ahmadinejad was empowered in 2005. This NIE undermines the effort to get tougher sanctions, and without tougher sanctions, the chances of going to war increase.

Russia and Iran agree to resume work on nuclear plant. Lovely.

USA Today reports good news and hope from Iraq.

We have falling dollar, rising oil, failing banks, falling stocks, and now we get inflation too. Nice job, Washington. I have a better policy. Let's dramatically reduce the size and scope of government and adopt the FairTax.

How is blocking new taxes on oil companies giving them a boost? This headline should read, Republicans saved consumers from oil price increased that would have resulted from Democrats' attempt to raise taxes on oil companies. We need to get the government out of the energy market. No subsidies for anybody. Drop the restrictions on drilling. Drop the regulations that stop us from building new power plants of all types. Drop the regulations blocking new refineries. Get the government out of the business of energy.

Italy gets older and poorer. Big-government welfare states are breaking Europe financially and demographically.

Reason says we must re-establish Habeas Corpus rules for the global battlefield. WWII was a global battlefield, but we didn't allow prisoners of war to have access to our courts then, and those prisoners of war wore uniforms and were therefore protected by the Geneva Convention. There's no way in hell these terrorists who don't wear uniforms should get more rights than those prisoners of previous wars.

Reason totally misunderstands why we suddenly care about illegal immigration. It's because the numbers have exploded recently, and illegal immigration is balkanizing America. Illegal immigrants are setting up enclaves, and they're trying to make us change to accommodate them. It's not any harder than that.

Senate votes to hold Rove and Josh Bolten in contempt for failing to testify about the fired US Attorneys. This is nothing more than partisan political maneuvering.

Senate Minority leader McConnell considers compromise funding bill that would fund Iraq but would include thousands of pork barrel projects for both parties.

Divided congressional Democrats are imploding. They did this to themselves by pushing an absurd, anti-American agenda. Democrats agree to White House limits on spending, but they won't cut the pork out of the omnibus spending bill. Democrats won't demand timetable in Iraq funding bill.

Thompson finally scores in a debate.

Huckabee apologizes over Mormon remark, as well he should. It remains to be seen if voters will hold the remark against him. If I had ever considered voting for him, I would. Minuteman founder endorses Huckabee. Why? His immigration plan is weak.

Obama is a full-blown socialist. We've known this all along.

Hillary is so desperate, she gets her mother to make a commercial saying she's a good person. The Hillary camp is imploding as well. Hillary is running Spanish language ads. I thought she would get pounded in the general election anyway, but she might as well drive a stake through her own heart. Americans won't put up with this.

Genetically manipulated cloned cats glow in the dark. That will hurt their nocturnal hunting.

Scientists discover area of the brain that weeds out useless information, essential to good memory. I doubt it can weed out all useless info, which means that over time, memory gets worse. Sounds like aging to me.

I'm not at all surprised that Roger Clemens is on the list of steroid users. I never understood lionizing him during the steroid era when it seemed pretty obvious he was partaking. Griffey is not on this list, which is also expected. He never bulked up and actually suffered injuries as he got older.

Cato explains that the tactical lay-off of the Mahdi army endangers Iraq, because it's been laying low, waiting out US troops. It may be coming out of hiding now, but that would be a mistake. US troops are still ready for them.

Cato explains that the Kyoto treaty has been an abject failure, and any other UN led proposal will be just as bad or worse.

Cato calls for lifting the restrictive quota on skilled immigrants. This is a no-brainer.

Cato is disturbed by the Bush Administration position that war powers allow him to override laws. The Constitution grants the Commander-in-Chief war powers, and no law is higher than the Constitution. But war powers aren't the powers of a dictator. Law should define torture without infringing on the President's war powers. However, any law that outlaws waterboarding as torture is stupid. Waterboarding is safe and effective.

Cato welcomes a Supreme Court decision giving federal judges more leeway in sentencing.

What does global warming have to do with gender equality?

Environmental bureaucracy likely to block burning of Mexican flag. This bull coming and going. Apparently, bureaucrats think they can squelch free speech in the name of the environment. But you know they wouldn't block burning an American flag.

Boortz responds to more FairTax criticism. Huckabee's popularity is inviting attacks on the FairTax as a way to discredit both. Unfortunately, the attacks are disingenuous.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down part of law that prohibits providing material support or resources to terrorists, calling it unconstitutionally vague. What does unconstitutionally vague even mean? Congress should revoke that court's jurisdiction.

Iraq asks UN to extend mandate for US troops for 1 more year. How come liberals always say it's an illegal war? Why do we care what the UN thinks?

Waterboarding broke al Qaeda leader in 35 seconds. So, strapping this guy to a board, putting a cloth on his face, and spraying water on the cloth for 35 seconds is torture? Give me a break.

I love the idea of planting more trees to produce oxygen, which we need to live, by metabolizing CO2, which plants need to live. I prefer trees to seaweed because I'm not a fish, but seaweed is a bonus.

I'm fine with putting Reagan on Mt. Rushmore.

Nice presentation explaining how the IPCC and global warming cultists got it so wrong.

Ironic title: Supreme Court declares Declaration of Independence unconstitutional.

Thomas Sowell explains that police are often bad shots under stress. He's basically apologizing for groups of police who fire 30 to 40 shots at suspects. I don't get it. All he's shown is how poorly our police are trained and how unprofessional they are, which is the problem in the first place.

Senate passes energy bill that mandates higher fuel standards and more subsidies for inefficient biofuels. What this means is that cars will get more expensive and less safe, and more of our taxes are going to expensive fuel. There's no mention of new drilling or loosening regulations on new power plants or refineries.

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