Sunday, July 08, 2007

Free kibbles

Senate confident it can force Iraq pullout with series of votes. If Democrats succeed in forcing American troops to come home, Iraq will explode in violence, and Democrats will own our defeat and the subsequent violence. Democrats are mistaking anti-Bush sentiment for a desire to lose, and Democrats will lose because of it. Two more Republicans join Iraq war critics. This is why I call conservatives, liberals-light. They're just a few years or few percentage points behind liberals in our devastating race to the left.

Israel to release Fatah members from prison to aid Abbas. This support for the Fatah terrorist group is going to backfire.

Foreign fighters inside radical mosque in Pakistan. Pakistan arrests Taliban aides.

The rich and powerful in China are flaunting the 1 child rule because they can afford to pay the fines.

Growing narcissism among children.

Critics fail to warm to Gore's concerts and their hypocritical energy use. Snow and cold dampens turnout for global warming concert in Johannesburg.

New Jersey passes law to raise prices on energy and hurt its economy to fight global warming. Hopefully Jersey will pay a high price for this folly, and the rest of the nation will be spared because of it. I doubt it will happen soon enough.

Cato explains that when health care is paid by a third party, people will get more of it for no good reason, driving up the costs for everybody else.

Cato exposes the distortions and misconceptions about Greenland's melting ice sheet - it's so minor as to be almost unmeasurable.

Cato says government's failure attempting to deal with Katrina illustrates the failures of big government. It also says federal assistance to states has always been a driver of ever increasing size and scope of government.

George Will takes some shots at FDR's big government.

Mark Steyn explains why Britain hired jihadist doctors.

Hypocrisy of supposed supporters of human rights with regard to Iraq.

Democratic strategist points out that bringing co-president Bill into the campaign will backfire on Democrats. No kidding.

Rich Lowry exposes the hang-Libby crowd's hypocrisy.

How the Mullahs are destroying Iran. We need to make sure they don't get the bomb before they self-destruct.

The NYTimes calls for withdrawal from Iraq, fully expecting genocide to follow. How's that for supporting human rights.

The role of Islam in violence.

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