Monday, July 30, 2007

Free kibbles

New British Prime Minister Brown says the world owes the US a debt for taking the lead in the fight on terrorism. It's about time somebody noticed it.

Russia to sell long range fighter jets and refueling planes to Iran. Lovely.

71% of American approve of more surveillance cameras.

Bush asks Congress to update FISA to better track terrorists.

Google fights to open the wireless spectrum.

Man arrested for hate crime for flushing a Koran. Liberals have now forced thought crimes on Americas.

Boortz reports that cities are suing gangs to stop gang crime. Interesting idea, but the ACLU wants to put a stop to it. If liberals get their way, the only people the law will ever apply to is white men.

Americans think the Supreme Court is well balanced. What does that even mean, and why does it matter? The Court should have no ideological bias at all, and none of the justices decisions should be based on ideology. They should be based on the law - the Constitution first, then other laws next.

Mark Steyn rips society for the sexual abuse charges against the 7th graders who slapped other students on the butt. This is a sign of the decline of civilization. Renting pets is another. So is suing a school because your daughter got cut at cheerleading tryouts.

Another article shows that illegal immigrants are self-deporting because of the environment. I've said all along that they'll leave when the jobs dry up. The proof is in the pudding.

The failure of liberals to succeed at talk radio is not an issue for government to take up any more than the failure of cornish game hens to compete with chickens in the grocery. It' s a market decision.

Scientists breed a schizophrenic mouse. Watch it get loose and breed. Mouse attacks will become commonplace.

Schumer and liberals are upset that the Roberts court has made small steps to reestablishing the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

China and Russia love it when people think Iran is our enemy. Iran, like North Korea, is just a proxy for China and Russia. They're our new Cold War of Terror enemies. Iran is a useful tool.

Congress wants to raise taxes on cigarettes to insure children who already have private health insurance. This is just a power grab popularized by punishing smokers.

Private enterprise may soon compete with NASA.

We better be prepared for China with all updated weapons in 10 years.

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