Sunday, July 15, 2007

Free kibbles

Website posts bin Laden video. This fits the pattern for a call to attack. I hope they can't pull off anything.

Pakistan terrorists end truce with government. We should bomb that entire area into dust. Allowing al Qaeda to use it as a safe haven and reconstitute it's strength back to pre-9/11 levels is unconscionable.

Iranian rocket launchers found in Iraq, targeting American base.

Israel continues to boost Abbas. US warns that terrorists are targeting US businesses in Israel.

Of course we want to see US troops off the front lines in Iraq. I don't think these comments by the President mean anything. The Iraqi Parliament is seriously hurting itself if it takes August off.

Marines on trial for murder.

LA Archdiocese to pay $660 million to settle abuse lawsuits. Wow.

Firefox is threatening IE domination in Europe. Come on Americans. We can kick Microsoft too.

Fantasy Congress game online.

Excellent essay tying al Qaeda closer to Soviet communism and other murdering utopian movements.

Fantastic summary of a discussion about why we can't fathom our jihadist enemies.

William Kristol is right that if Bush succeeds in Iraq and a Republican wins the election in 2008, Bush will be considered a successful President. I think that despite Democrats' best efforts, both will happen. I don't think much of the other policies mentioned.

Unbiased data shows our income tax system is indeed progressive despite what liberals claim. This doesn't address the serious problems with the income tax itself. Adopt the FairTax for progressive system that frees American workers and companies to compete on a level playing field with foreign competition.

The US government is reaching out to the wrong Muslim groups. Britain has learned to reach out to the right ones.

George Will blasts Antioch College, celebrating its closing.

Rich Lowry says Michael Moore's Sicko attacks the character of America.

Harrison Ford dons the Indiana Jones hat once again.

Maliki's comment that Iraq could handle its own problems without Americans was misconstrued. I should hope so.

Cato recognizes that welfare is counter-productive to fighting poverty.

Cato calls for abolishing the office of surgeon general.

Cato says pulling out of Iraq later will be even more catastrophic than pulling out now, but they can't back it up, and it defies credibility. Their underlying assumption is that things can only get worse, and that assumptions is grossly incorrect.

Cato thinks Bush is abusing signing statements. Since they have no force, I'm not sure what the problem is. If somebody thinks they have force, that somebody is making a mistake.

Cato discusses the failures of socialized medicine.

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