Thursday, July 12, 2007

Free kibbles

FBI using data mining for more than hunting terrorists. This has to be stopped.

White House to deliver mixed report on Iraq. That sounds about right. Made progress on 8 of 18 goals.

Undercover operation exposes weakness in US nuclear security.

Al Qaeda is back to pre-9/11 strength. Why do we allow al Qaeda a safe haven in Pakistan?

New Jersey state Senator proposes making toy guns adult only. Boy are we stupid for voting for these people.

83 dead after seige of the Red Mosque in Pakistan. Terrorists should be sent to their martyrdom on our terms, not their own.

NBC gives 75 hours of free air-time to Gore's concerts. Do you think they'll give 75 hours of time to global warming skeptics? Do you think they'll play The Great Global Warming Swindle 37 times? I doubt it. Do you think the Fairness Doctrine would apply to NBC? Their ratings would be better if they played skeptical programing.

Reason downplays the war on terror because the terrorists aren't very capable. This argument is flawed for several reasons. First, the reason al Qaeda's capability is so diminished is because we're attacking them. Second, even a broken is right twice a day - bad terrorists can still kill us. Third, one nuke exploding in an American city is all it takes to pretty much end freedom forever. Just because this war is like nothing we've ever seen before, doesn't make it less dangerous. We better fight and win this war.

Reason on the Fairness Doctrine and government regulation of speech.

Researches say fat tax could save lives. How does this jive with the recent report that obese people live longer? We can look forward to this and 100,000 other regulations if we allow socialized medicine to take over.

Walmart changes policy back to prosecuting shoplifters. How dumb was it to let crooks get away with stealing?

Democrats claim to have found religion. This won't jive well with their homosexual issues debate. They're trying to have it both ways, and it's going to backfire on them.

Counting fish in the Caribbean.

Robot learns how to walk.

Scientists find water on extra-solar planet.

Author looks at the history of English speaking nations and says if they stick together, they can win the war on terror. It doesn't look like England will stay in the fight for long.

Victor Davis Hanson discusses the upside-down politics of dealing with terrorists and the middle east.

Fred Thompson comments on his legal career and the attempts to use it against him.

Gen. David Petraeus speaks to Ralph Peters.

Victor Davis Hanson says education has transformed from learning facts and thinking to being therapeutic.

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