Friday, July 27, 2007

Free kibbles

America continues to make the Chinese rich while they continue to use our money to fund a new Cold War of Terror against us. China is now arming insurgents and police in Iraq while building up their nuclear and conventional arsenal. We keep voting for leaders who are too stupid to do anything about it, and Sun Tzu is laughing at us from his grave.

Ralph Peters goes over rarely reported good news from Iraq and suggests the next presidential debates be held in Baghdad.

US and Iraqi forces kill 17 Mahdi Army fighters.

Another explosion at Pakistan's Red Mosque.

US increases funding for Israel's missile defense. This could be preparation for a strike on Iran.

Iran says it will never stop its nuclear program. I think Ahmadinejad says that at least once a week.

Couple arrested for flying a flag upside down.

Reason says terrorism is a real threat.

Slate advocates liberal judges rewrite the law in their own image at will. I'm not kidding.

EPA investigates threat against global warming skeptic.

Michael Moore has been served a subpoena for his Cuba trip. It's a hard to get a proper permit to go to Cuba.

Reason considers if Ron Paul is good for the libertarian movement.

Review of The Simpson's Movie.

Competition is essential for school kids.

Boortz mentions a politically incorrect book from the 70s about a third world invasion of Europe. Sounds very insightful and prescient.

Does public accommodation of Muslims discriminate against other religions? Can you imagine how liberals would howl if institutions catered to Christians this way?

Ohio Senator Voinovich was the only Senator to vote against more border security. Is he nuts? Time for a letter.

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