Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Free kibbles

US death toll in Iraq at 8 month low. New York Times op-ed calls for Congress to support the surge into 2008. Wow.

So much for the myth that Americans are insecure about the economy. Consumer confidence hits 6 year high.

Another Senator investigated for corruption.

Democrats start another worthless investigation of Bush administration. These Democrats are intent on becoming the most useless Congress ever in the mistaken belief they can win the presidency next year. They're ruining their chances.

This shows just how effective the War on Drugs isn't: kids stealing freon from air-conditioners to get high. I'll guess they'll ban that next.

Citizens upset over naked mannequins. Naturally they want government to force their removal.

Of course the Pentagon has plans to extend the surge. I'm sure it has plans to end it too. It's their job to plan for contingencies. But liberals are trying to make political hay out of it.

Arming the Saudis never helps.

Christopher Hitchens wonders why we're afraid to offend Muslims. I think the answer is obvious.

Reason on Jerry Falwell.

Printers pose health hazard. So does living.

Our government's self-destructive energy policy. They should get the hell out of the way and let the free market work.

Or course a border fence would have ecological ramifications. So do illegal immigrants all over the country, along with social and economic ramifications. But we don't need any fence. If we enforce the law against hiring illegal immigrants, the jobs will go away, and the illegal immigrants will go home on their. This isn't hard.

WSJ op-ed explains the Bush wiretapping controversy, and reports that the program has been repeatedly emasculated, risking new terrorist attacks. But Congress doesn't care about that.

The 2 parties are little parties by Tocqueville's standards.

Article claims China is a natural ally, if we had leaders who could pull it off.

Sovereign weath funds defy capitalist logic.

John Murtha's plans to defeat us in Iraq and free terrorists from Guantanamo.

Michael Barone examines reports that the surge is working, and how that is bad news for the Democrats.

1 comment:

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