Sunday, July 01, 2007

Free kibbles

Links between London car bombs and Glasgow bomb. These guys may have been foreigners, lending credence to the theory that terrorists coming back from Iraq may be involved. Instead of dying "over there," they're coming back to die "over here." Police confident they'll roll up cell. US official fears spectacular attack this summer.

Israel releases £50 million of tax money. Suddenly, the Fatah terrorists are moderates. Supporting these lessor terrorists is going to blow up in our faces.

Ahmadinejad and Chavez buddy up: the new dictator and the world's most active terrorist are making plans.

Pentagon goes on offensive against press - condemns press for reporting false massacres, stories planted by terrorists. The terrorists have to think we're complete idiots.

Bush refuses subpoenas on Attorneys. Gonzales and Bush have mishandled this from the beginning. Every time he gives the Senate more info, the bigger hole he digs. Bush should have used the bully pulpit to shut down this bogus harassment right at the start. Hopefully he finally got it right, and America can drop this non-issue.

In op-ed, intelligence analyst says Tenet played both sides of the fence. Tenet is a worm. One of these days we'll get the real story behind Bush's medal of freedom for Tenet and Bremer.

Reason names New York City's lights of libertarianism.

Slate comes up with yet another way to attack one of the great institutions of America - the neighborhood school. The author wants to use income as the determiner for integration to get around the Court's decision to make schools colorblind (as they should be).

Slate on the 10 year anniversary of the Hong Kong going back to China. Too bad it couldn't have become an independent city-state.

Long list of claims made by Gore that have been rebutted by actual science. Since Gore can't produce the science to sustain his claims on global warming, he's planning on shouting louder with the biggest concert ever.

Pelosi blames Republicans for failures of Congress. No doubt Republicans blame Democrats for the failures of the previous 6 years. I blame them both, and all of us for voting them into office.

Lieberman calls for more surveillance cameras. No thanks. They're sprouting like weeds already.

The FairTax is making big waves in Republican primaries.

Obama sets record for Democratic fund raising, surpasses Clinton. But grass roots efforts can't win for Democrats - Clinton has been anointed. Grass roots campaigns can influence Republicans - just look at the defeat of the immigration bill and the candidacy of Fred Thompson.

Newt Gingrich is really busy.

Infants begin lying at 6 months old. This tells you that lying is a fundamental tool of human intellect.

China discovers hidden chamber in ancient tomb.

Slate asks why do women tennis players wear undershorts. They should just go bare.

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