Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tax and Spend

Boortz claims the US spent $1.03 trillion on welfare last year. I wouldn't be surprised.
"For those of you who may be paying attention, that number seems eerily similar to our national deficit.  But that’s not what I’m referring to.  That $1.03 trillion is the amount of money that our government handed out as welfare in 2011 alone.
Now before you get all huffy, let me make sure you understand this: This does not include Social Security or Medicare.  Those are not welfare programs, those are entitlement programs.  You are entitled to that money because you’ve paid into that system.  This $1.03 trillion on welfare spending went toward 83 different means tested federal welfare programs.  That figure represents a 32% increase in welfare spending since 2008."
That sounds like Cloward and Piven to me.
"The Heritage Foundation has another way to try and put this kind of spending into perspective: “If converted to cash, means-tested welfare spending is more than five times the amount needed to eliminate all poverty in the United States"
Don't get me wrong. I understand government creates train wrecks then messes them up. But I'm still skeptical that giving five times the amount needed to eliminate poverty to people in poverty doesn't eliminate poverty. I think the people who made calculation are mistaken.

You know how the PIIGS are dragging the eurozone down, but did you hear how the socialist French government is doing the same?

Food stamp enrollment reaches a new high, just like it has every year Obama has been in office. The problem for conservatives is, this was going up every year Bush was in office too, but you never hear about that in the press because Obama's accomplice press doesn't want to mention the subject at all and Romney's accomplice press doesn't want to mention Bush's record.

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